gemjunior #racist
Boy you said it. Let me tell you that if they let [Boers] in here en masse they would soon set this place straight. I have absolutely no doubt the Boers would vow to NEVER repeat the mistake they made by letting the blacks get power - they've shown what they do with power. I wish to God, I pray that they would show up on these shores in droves and let EVERYONE, every nation on earth SEE the US gov't throwing out these white people while actively SOLICITING dangerous Somalis. I FEEL LIKE SCREAMING . I actually feel pretty mental hearing this and I cannot stop thinking of how insane we whites have been by giving black people everything we have given them - and I'm absolutely certain the Boers feel the same about their version of "civil rights" which ended up equalling pure misery for whites. Taking in Boers would no doubt be a great gift because they are the world's greatest farmers, and the men are still men who might inspire some much needed inspiration to some of the men in our country.
When precious St. Mandela dies they've threatened to go on a major white-murdering spree. Let's see if the whites finally realize they have to use their brains to outwit these chimping monsters and save themselves - they may only have each other since we know the western gov't are run by white-hating antiChristians.