markrichardson887 #fundie

No, no, I am not a 'homophobe'; I'm a sensible, rational, human being. Why isn't the homosexual lifestyle considered a mental disease?

There's nothing 'normal' about it. Just because it's present in the animal world, does not make it right. Some animals rape one another. Some steal, and scavenge. Some kill members of the opposite sex after mating. How are these wrong, but not the gay lifestyle, which is also found in nature?

Can any gay supporters make a logical case, without calling me names or bullying me? Why are certain perversions accepted, but not others?

Am I an 'incestophobe' too?
A 'beastophobe'?
A 'pedophobe'?

I personally feel that our rejection of judeo-christian values in The West, will ultimately lead to our demise. We accept too much, and we will end up like Pagan, soulless sinners, in a fog of perverse scum. I'm not saying everyone should be a Christian, I'm just saying, Christian values are clearly the backbone of the most noble morality.

The fact that The Bible, (which must be read in a scholarly manner), is against homosexuality, shows you just how enlightened those of the past were. We got The Golden Rule from The Bible; we learnt The Ten Commandments; why can't we learn sexual morality too? Again, I'm not forcing my beliefs, but I'm wary of secular humanist propaganda spreading through Great, Western Nations.




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