Tebow has been repeatedly excluded by the NFL despite playing far better than what is needed to make a team. The most plausible explanation for this is the increasingly pro-homosexual, and thus anti-Christian bias of the league in its attempts to appease the liberal media.
(From the same source) "but more recently he was also voted by fellow NFL players as the League's most overrated player".
No, the NFL is not anti-Christian. When did you become a football coach, rather than an automated mouth-for-god?
He's not top rated in any footballers books. Performance in the game is NOT trumped by how overtly Christian you portray yourself.
Watch it Andy, you're showing a big weakness. You're claiming fourth rate abilities rise to the top if you talk Christianese. You're a one trick pony secure in your mommies beltway but you're exposing your one tricks lameness with your unending support for Tim and other has been Christian figures.
Oh yes. And before Timmy Tea-bowl...?:
'Teamwork is what the Green Bay Packers were all about. They didn't do it for individual glory. They did it because they loved one another.'
'People who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defenses, or the problems of modern society.'
-Vince Lombardi
Quite the forward -thinking bloke, eh Andy Schaftafly? The Progressive society has won .
The purpose of any NFL team is to (1) make money and (2) win games because winning games helps you to make money.
If Tebow was good enough to play, he'd be playing.
Tebow is not a good player simple as that.
As for pro homosexual, Mike Sam isn't playing for the same reason Tebow isn't playing.
Phillip Rivers, about the only good thing about the Chargers and most certainly a future Hall of Fame-er, does his job on the field and makes his huge paycheck. He's a faithful and devoted Catholic, often celebrted and interviewed by the Catholic press (my parents are still Catholic and they tell me this stuff.) He has... 9 kids I think, which is about as Catholic as it gets. But notice that he hasn't turned them into a televised Fundie sideshow.
Rivers fractally obliterates Tebow, utterly annihilating him on every possible level of resolution.
Just because a player's awesome in college doesn't mean they'll always be awesome in the Pros!
There have been dozens of First-Round draft picks that became huge turkeys!
Truth be told, Tim Tebow should have made the cut this year. The problem is that people like Andy make him a distraction. Tebow was not gonna be a starter. But the second the starting QB threw an interception, Andy and others like him would be demanding Tebow. It's not Tebow's fault, and while he is outspoken about his faith, he never asked to be this symbol. Andy Schlafly is part of the reason why Tim Tebow is not in the NFL.
Maybe Tebow ought to pray in his closet before he goes out to play, like Jesus said, and not be a big stupid hypocrite on the football field.
You're the ones saying homosexuals are anti-Christian. Most homosexuals in the US are probably just as Christian as the heterosexuals. You bigoted homophobes are the ones pushing them out with your hatred and bullying.
I think that the most plausible explanation is that Tebow has actually been kidnapped and replaced by a mecha duplicate operated by a crew of hyperintelligent field mice from an alternate timeline.
The scary part is that my hypothesis is about as likely as yours.
Are you fucking kidding me? The NFL, until recently, didn't care if players slapped their girlfriends around or ran dog fighting rings as long as they were good players. They'll overlook a lot of shit, the very least of which is an openly Christian player who prays on the sidelines. Given the blue-collar nature of probably the majority of the fans, he'd be golden. The only problem is that he doesn't throw a football worth a shit. And if you can't help your team win games, you're not going to be on that team for long.
I'm pro-homosexual and pro-Christian, but I'm anti-bigot too.
Also, Tim Tebow just isn't that great.
Superbowl L:
Denver Broncos - 24. Carolina Panthers - 10.
The most plausible explanation for this is the increasingly shitty Timmy Teabowl, reduced to an irrelevance in the sport, whilst Broncos quarterback Payton Manning retires at the zenith of his career, and with now two Superbowl rings.
Previously, Donald Fart said that Carolina would win. Of course all his cocksuckers say that he can literally do no wrong.
Trump Stumps [i]himself[/i], Andy Schaftafly. .
What's really funny Anon-e-moose is that Peyton Manning is very religious as well who has called his faith his highest priority he just does not shove his faith in everyone's face like Tebow did. Yet Andy does not care about that. It does not matter that football is a christian dominated sport, no, to Andy its all about treating that faith like it's the only thing.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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