The 4-7 Jets were losing to one of the worst teams in the league when the coach finally replaced their quarterback, but still refused to play the conservative Tim Tebow. [1] This time the excuse was a minor rib injury, but the reality is that the liberal media want to exclude the pro-life Tebow .
[Emphasis added]
The guy is an okay runningback, and about as decent a quarterback as Sanchez.
Signing him but not using him is not the smartest move of the Jets,but not using him when he is injured is a good move. If he had played and gotten an more serious injury, you'd be bitching about how the liberals intentionally played Tebow to let him get hurt.
Most NFL coaches would play their own grandmothers if they thought it was their best chance at a win. When Tebow's playing football, no coach gives a big rat's butt whether he's pro-choice or "pro-life."
P.S. The media, liberal or not, have no control over whether Tebow plays.
The 4-7 Jets were losing
What the Catholic Schlafly doesn't realize is that the whole team was busy praying the Rosary to the Mother Godess Mary and wasn't concentrating on the game. All except one, that is.
But no, Schlafly wants the evangelical Protestant, and therefore inherently heretical, damned to Hell Tebow brought in.
Get down ye Satan! Send the blasphemist Pope hater to the showers, not into the game!
Shame on you Schlafly. Say five Our Fathers, ten Hail Mary's and don't miss Sunday mass for the next two years.
what does the Jets coach have to do with the media? Did it not occur to you that maybe the Jets coach knows more about who would be a good quarterback then you do?
Oh wait, you're Andrew Schlafy and you think you know everything.
Da 4-7 Jetz was losin ta one of tha worst crews up in tha league when tha coach finally replaced they quarterback yo, but still refused ta play tha conservatizzle Tim Tebow. [1] This time the excuse was a minor rib injury yo, but tha realitizzle is dat tha liberal media wanna exclude tha pro-life Tebow.
[Emphasis added]
Nurse! Andy is off his meds again!
I mean seriously, like the "liberal media" actually called up the Jets' coach before the game and told him to bench Tebow.
in light of schlafly's whining, it should be pointed out that tim tebow's career up to this point has been driven almost exclusively by unwarranted hype from the "liberal media". tebow fucking blows-he has some of the worst mechanics of any quarterback in the league and is so out of place in the pro game that he had to have the offense custom tailored to hide his deficiencies when he was starting in denver. since he's outwardly fundie and pro-life he's something of a conservative hero but as an actual football player his best days were in college.
The coach refused to play Tim Tebow because of:
1. A rib injury or
2. A conspiracy cooked up by the liberal media?
Who could possibly get this one wrong?
Andy Schlafly.
They didn't put Tebow in because he was INJURED AT THE TIME.
And that's besides the point, conservatives need to get over Tebow. No matter how much of a nice guy he is or how much they love his views he's not a great quarterback at the professional level.
If I were him I'd retire and host a Christian talk show. All he seems to want is attention so he can spread the gospel anyway.
The irony is that the so-called liberal media has done nothing but sing the guy's praises while actual sports analysts point out that he's failed miserably to adapt to pro-ball.
I guess it's easier to make your hero a martyr than an actual hero though.
Know what's the real story?
Your big white Christian hopes old news already. Overhyped, overpublisized, overdone and overkilled. Nameth fits your senario better even after all these years.
Someone quacks God you people go into total idol worship. We saw it with Palin, Huckabee and many gay preachers, all wastes of time and full of shit to extreme levels, but like Tebow you kneeled to the bullshit.
Eat it, you lost again. No Satanic interference, no evil attacks. You people will get behind the most obvious and phony attempts of purity to make yourselves feel better and no matter how many times you're proven wrong you will deny it. Tebows the tip of the iceberg, you lot loved Haggard just as strongly.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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