300 "global warming" Spartans, Al Gore, Liberals and Islamist Extremism
Discuss this dramatic contrast:
* Liberals believe that anthropogenic global warming is real and Islamist extremism is a hoax.
* Conservatives believe that Islamist extremism is real and anthropogenic global warming is a hoax.
When the next post-9/11 attack of Islamist extremism occurs, as it surely will, who would you rather be standing behind: Al Gore, with his carbon offset certificate-shield raised high in one hand and his florescent-tube spear in the other, or a member of the United States Marine Corps, Army, Navy, or Air Force?
Personally, I would feel safer protected by one genuine G.I. Joe than 300 Al Gores.
Gore actually served in the Army in Vietnam, though he had the political connections to get out of it, or to split the middle and do half-assed Guard duty and then go AWOL when they started drug testing like Bush did.
But I'll bet you Richbee doesn't know that. I'll also bet you Richbee last put on a uniform in cub scouts.
What do Al Gore and those members of the Marine Corps, Army, Navy, or Air Force have in common? They'll never be elected to office as Republicans!
Ah, you live in Fantasy Land, Richbee. No liberal denies that Islamic extremism exists. However, conservatives in the US generally deny that Christian extremism exists....which it does. Mr. Phelps proves that beyond all doubt just by himself. So yer first point is pure strawman, isn't it?
And damn near every conservative scientist, like their liberal colleagues, not only accepts anthropogenic global warming as being real, but get really pissed at the politicians who refuse to accept it because it isn't politically convienent...
* Liberals believe that anthropogenic global warming is real and Islamist extremism is a hoax.
* Conservatives believe that Islamist extremism is real and anthropogenic global warming is a hoax.
The world you live in is black and white, huh?
Actually, I'd like to be defended by a guy with a fluorescent tube spear, because a fluorescent tube spear sounds like a light saber, and that would mean I've got a fucking Jedi on my side.
There is a problem, liberals do believe that islamic terrorism exists, only that Bush is not eliminating it in the right way. And ask any farmer, any person living in the fields, how much money they´re losing with the strange weather we´re having lately.
ok, two things
1- left wingers dont think islamic extremism is a hoax, we just dont think its any worse than christian extremism
2- G.I. Joe is a doll, or as you americans call it, an "action figure". So good luck getting protection from from a lump of moulded plastic.
And when the disaster hit New Orleans, I'm sure they'd have welcomed a Heavy Armoured Battalion and some F-16 fighters loaded to the brink with Mavericks with open arms... no, wait...
Seriously, though, this is one big strawman. Plain and simple.
I wonder, when you´re unable to find food due to lost harvests or some place near the coast disappears, whose help you´ll wait?. Incidentally, what happened to the Communist, another well-known "hoax" believed by the liberals?, now we know that the red threat that McArthy howled was not a hoax, but a paranoia of him.
I don't think Islamic extremism is a hoax. I think the blame for it is being placed on the backs of innocent Iraqi civilians and Muslims who are NOT extremists and have done nothing wrong. And I think getting into a Christian vs. Islam war is not going to solve anything.
Islamic extremism clearly exists and so does global warming, and I cannot understand why in the name of all that's holy by ANY religion some fundies are screaming their heads off that it doesn't.
What is it about global warming that so offends you? The idea that America is actually doing something wrong? That President Shrub is wrong? Can you not wrap your brain around that?
We could eliminate Islamic extremism quite easily - we just have to ban all religion. That would free the 300 Al Gores from bodyguard duties to concentrate on fighting global warming.
Not sure what we'd do with the GI Joe doll though.
When the next post-9/11 attack of Islamist extremism occurs, as it surely will, who would you rather be standing behind: Al Gore, with his carbon offset certificate-shield raised high in one hand and his florescent-tube spear in the other, or a member of the United States Marine Corps, Army, Navy, or Air Force?
This is a stupid comparison; heads of state generally don't ride out onto battlefields any more and, conversely, front line military training isn't much use for making political decisions - I don't think they allow gunfire or tanks in the Oval Office anyway.
I'm a liberal, and I don't think Islamic extremism is a hoax. I think it's a bunch of nutters polluting a religion. A lot like the nutters supporting radical Christianity nowadays, only they've got much more conviction and willingness to slaughter people. A lot like the Christians of ye olden days, in fact, only with machine guns and bombs.
You wouldn't put your own precious hide on the line, no sir! You'd rather hide behind someone else and let them do the bleeding and dying. You have lost all rights to the moral high ground after this disgusting display of cowardice.
And before you accuse me, I did two years in the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps. What's your military record look like, Richbee?
That's what I thought.
You are an idiot if you think global warming is a hoax. There is plenty of evidence that it is very real.
> Liberals believe that ... Islamist extremism is a hoax.
Last I checked, most of us acknowledge the existence of Muslim fundies. Christian fundies too, you guys are just as bad.
> Conservatives believe that ... anthropogenic global warming is a hoax.
Let me introduce you to this fundie dude known as "Pat Robertson". Despite being an idiot a lot of times most of the time (like most fundies), there are a few issues that he will accept the facts about, and global warming is one of them. (Another one is that he isn't a creatard) There you have it. A conservative who isn't a global warming denialist.
> When the next post-9/11 attack of Islamist extremism occurs, as it surely will...
I'm actually more worried about fundies blowing stuff up than Muslims.
The security in airports are pretty good these days, although we do let a few idiots through every now and then.
Religious extremism is a reality, regardless of religion. Global climate change is a reality too.
Richbee, honey; in real life there can be more than one threat at the same time, and they can be coming from different directions with different goals, or no goal whatsoever.
In the latest 9/11 attack, it was the firefighters that proved most useful.
In the 7/22 attack, in Norway 2011, it was perpetrated by a Christian, right-wing, white supremacist, and he went after kids and teenagers at a socialist summer camp.
So, you're going to hide behind others, and not doing any of the protection yourself, coward?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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