I don't understand why you don't seem to see that Hollywood is no longer making films for men. They are making them for beta males and women. Their research has shown them that women are now the largest demographic, and producers Kathleen Kennedy and JJ Abrams, and Josh Wedon along with James Cameron have all bought into the STEM idea--you know, the one that says if men are removed as obstacles more women will become engineers and microbiologists et al? The problem is that is a myth, as we now see, but Hollywood is a bit behind the curve. They are taking franchises that they know men want to see, and using that to lure in the men, and then destroying the classic Hero's Journey by just GIVING all the power and control to women--ala Rey. Fear not, because this is failing, and that is why you are starting to see tweaks to the story, and before long you will see films like: Star Wars: Queen of Naboo. There will be dialogue like this: Queen, "Mata, I don't want you to go, Naboo needs you.' Looking look into the eyes. "I need you." Mata: "Your Highness, I must go, if Naboo is to be safe, if you are to live, I must go.: Looks away. "I want to take you now, to hold you, and kiss you deeply." Looks back. "But I can't." "Why, Mata, please, tell me why leaving is necessary." Moves up behind, and the arms encircle Mata. "You know I only want to keep you because I love you." Yep, we are looking at the non-binary Star Wars: The Harlequin Romance.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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