David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
Young people today are not taught about courtship these days. Instead they're taught about the biology of sex in public schools, and then are given free condoms to commit fornication. Teachers are prohibited by law from quoting the Words of God. They can show Harry Potter's witchcraft and teach New Age false doctrine, but the Bible is banned. Young people ought to be taught fidelity, courtship and to abstain from sex until they are married. That is not just the old-fashioned way, that is the right way! Marriage is God's way. Many men are terrified to marry today in lieu of America's unfair, feminist and malicious court system. Albeit, marriage is still God's way. The system literally discourages people from getting married, which I believe is deliberate, part of the Communist subversion of our nation.
Children and teens should be taught the sacredness of the human body. They ought to be taught to respect the body and never to contaminate it with cigarettes, booze nor drug abuse. You people ought to be taught to wait until they get married before having sex. It is ridiculous and sinful that Walt Disney and Hollywood are turning grade-school girls into glamour-girl whores (high-heels, lip-gloss, garters, stockings and professional hair-dos). Everything about the 1996 JonBenét Ramsey case was creepy. The parents of that little girl turned her into a glamour-girl whore at age 6. It is heathendom! Dance Moms is doing the same evil thing, causing lasciviousness in society, bringing the judgment of God upon this perverse nation. Shame on those foolish parents for desecrating the sacredness of the human body.