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Boston Area Beheading Threat and Shooting Death is an arch-Zionist Hoax

It couldn’t get any more ludicrous, in fact, outright ridiculous than this, which is the so-called “The ISIS-inspired, homegrown” terrorist attack against police, even against a prominent Zionist Jew, Pamela Geller: 100% fake. The story lines are so numerous it is difficult to keep track of it all, another sign of a poorly contrived arch-hoax by the terminally rabid, Islamophobic Zionist cabal.

Plus, the timing is beyond suspect, with the attempts by the criminal Zionist clique to reinstate the Patriot Act taking the forefront. Right away, then, because of this timing what else could this be other than supremely ludicrous, in fact, supercilious hoax?

Yet, how could anyone determine it to be a fake, since the “terrorist—was shot dead,” or at least so says the arch-Zionist New York Daily Post? He “dreamed of beheading—Pamela Geller,” according to those arch-standards of a hoax, anonymous “law-enforcement sources.” Dreaming of it is good enough cause to blow up a man, plugging him with bullets until he is dead.

Honestly, it is actually said that “Usaama Rahim was plotting to kill Geller—” This alone is proof of an arch-Zionist fabricated scam and hoax. Moreover, who in the world believes that, coincidentally, the attacker would actually be named “Usaama?”

Yet, it gets even more inane that this:

But before he could get to Geller, he grew impatient and decided to target police instead.

Who in the world believes such nonsense?

“I’m just going to go after them, those boys in blue. ’Cause it’s the easiest target and the most common is the easiest for me,” Rahim told alleged co-conspirator David Wright in a phone call Tuesday, two hours before he was killed—

It has to be true, since it was, as is, once again, the arch-hoaxing standard, all “according to a criminal complaint against Wright.”

What in the world is a criminal complaint? Who is the complainant, other than the arch-Zionist DHS?

Is this all there is for imagery of a real shooting by drawn guns from both FBI and Police?


Here is the purported attacker, Usaama Rahim, supposedly shot dead on the ground. If he is shot dead, if this was a real shooting, why are all these people merely standing around, many of them with their hands in their pockets?

It’s straight out of arch-Zionist Hollywood, a total fake, and no one can prove otherwise. Ah, the drama of it all:


He was wielding a knife. Sure, he was, right. There it is, plenty of laminated pictures of the knife for propaganda purposes, with a wide range of media moles holding them up for all to see. Who believes such nonsense?


Is this the crime scene, really? What in the world is the purpose of the yellow bag?


Boston police officers and detectives at the scene where Usaama Rahim was fatally shot.Photo: AP

NOTE: Where is all the blood? After all, he was shot in the abdomen, among other regions. Moreover, this is precisely where he was shot?

Now, for additional hard proof of the arch-scam there are the Internet postings of government cohort, Ibrahim Rahim:


Does Mr. Rahim appear to be a believable cohort?


Honest to God, who in the world talks like that? Just who? “Hey, everyone. Can you send out some prayers? My youngest bro. was shot in the back, you know, like what routinely happens to us black people. No FBI, though, just three local cops. Three cops and three shots. How terrible, poor little bro., he was just on the phone talking to daddy, that is “with my dear father during the confrontation,” all because he was “needing a witness.”

“Never forget his last words, which were “I can’t breathe,” all the while dying “while at the hospital.”

Let me make it perfectly clear “Usaama Rahim died!”

Good God, world, cannot it be seen so clearly that this is nothing but a pack of lies?


It’s his brother, and he can’t even get it right? Now, the entire rest of the world is saying that, “Wait a minute, the brother is wrong,” that is he “wasn’t shot in the back. Nor was he on a cell phone. Nor was he talking to his daddy.” Nor, of course, did he say “I can’t breathe.”

It’s make-believe, and the hoaxers are going round and round, not even knowing where they will end up:


That man who can no longer be questioned, Mr. Rahim, supposedly went so far as to even threaten the most rabid, extremist Zionist of all, Pamela Geller, with her life:

During that call, Rahim allegedly told Wright, 25, about his plan to murder a person in another state who sources said was Geller. Wright “told Rahim something was ‘like thinking with your head on your chest (a reference to the hoax ISIS beheadings).’ Both men then burst out laughing.

Geller gets her hits in, attempting to drive home, as hard as possible, this Islamphobic hoax:

“They targeted me for violating Sharia laws,” she told The Post. “It won’t end for me or the cops. They mean to kill everyone who doesn’t do their bidding.”

Who is “they?”

They paraded about the supposed cohort, Mr. Wright. With the same shirt he is seen in both day and nighttime photos:


The entire inter-faith (so-called) community was there, participating in the arch-scam.


Despite claims otherwise it is an arch-scam: no other possibility. No one died, and no one was injured.


It was a real local emergency, an actual attack against cops and FBI: sure it was, right. If it looks like a drill, acts like a drill, and seems like a drill, it is a drill, unless proven otherwise.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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