Glenn Beck: God had to kill Antonin Scalia to help put Ted Cruz in the White House
“I just woke the American people up,” Beck said, pretending to be the mind of God. “I took them out of the game show moment and woke enough of them up to say, ‘look at how close your liberty is to being lost. You now have lost your liberty. You replace one guy and you now have 5-4 decisions in the other direction. Just with this one guy, you’ve lost your liberty so you’d better elect somebody that is going to be somebody on [the court] because for the next 30 years, if you don’t, the Constitution as you know it [is gone].'”
“The Constitution is hanging by a thread!” he proclaimed, repeating a line he has used on the stump. “That thread has just been cut and the only way that we survive now is if we have a true constitutionalist.”
"“The Constitution is hanging by a thread!” he proclaimed"
The Constitution of his imagination and the imagination of everyone who agrees with him, that is.
The one that says:
"The United States of America is a country founded by and for people who profess Bible literalist Christianity as their religion."
"Marriage is one man, one woman."
"Abortion is murder."
Unfortunately for Beck and God, Cruz won't get anywhere near the White House. Even if he wins the nomination over Trump, which seems unlikely at this point, no way in hell he will win a general election.
I don't see how anyone can claim that Scalia was a true Constitutionalist, since he consistently voted against it in favor of the right wing.
Beck expects all those old farts to last another 30 years?
It might seem like it.
Besides, I thought the constitution was " just a Goddamned piece of paper", and a "quaint one", at that.
... you now have 5-4 decisions in the other direction.
Oh, if only!
A true constitutionalist?
What liberty is it you imagine you're about to lose?
The liberty to persecute others?
The liberty to revoke women's liberties?
The liberty to push your religion onto others, while not being subjected to other religions?
The liberty to have more regulations on contraceptives than on guns?
And you were doing soooooo well with your condemnation of Donald Fart previously.
Guess that tinfoil (ass)hat wasn't cutting it, you now think you're God. But I'm afraid that Romans 13:1-5 completely annihilates your opinion , never mind your argument.
Now go back to sleep, Glenn(da) Beck.
Trump's your only hope. Ted Cruz is a grade-A unelectable asshole, and I don't mean the Donald Trump sort of asshole who you're in awe at like a good movie villain, he's more the sort of douchebag fratboy type of asshole.
For years they've been trying to actually realize the constitution against the right wings continuous attempts to undermine.
Cruz has continually called for a Theocratic America, along with his father, Beck and Phil Robertson. This is counter to the first claus in every reading. Like the Bundy thugs they're pushing that John Birch bastardation of Constitution that the Mormons are also quite fond of, because it lies to their cause. Anyone that carries that garbage should be shamed out and told to get an education.
Police have been warned to watch for Sovereign Citizen propaganda on stops, this pamphlet copy of the Constitution misrepresention should also sound alarms.
As another state chooses Trump it seems like God hasn't done enough to back his true candidate*.
*Wait, wasn't that Mike Huckabee?
Glenn Beck: God had to kill Antonin Scalia to help put Ted Cruz in the White House
Yeah, that sounds like something the Bible's God would do, alright. After all, He's the one who made Noah build a boat and then flooded the earth instead of just turning everyone into pillars of salt; stopped the sun and left Joshua to fight it out instead of just smiting the Amorites Himself; and killed all the innocent, first-born, Egyptian children instead of just killing the Pharaoh. God of the Bible never does anything the simple way when He can come up with some silly, roundabout, Rube Goldberg alternative.
I can't see Scalias death helping Cruzs numbers in anyway, as much as I know Becks God loves Nazis.
Beck did the sky was falling and there's no hope except Romney in 1012 and nearly as frantic when MCain/Palins numbers crashed on 2008.
W was his hero though, he, like a lot of rightwingers deny that now but they couldn't bring themselves to even lightly criticize the Bush Government until a couple years ago.
"Trump's your only hope."
Remember the Repubican fallout last time?:
Even if Donald Fart is nominated, the mega-Schadenfreude will be exquisitely sweet when Wiggy concedes to the new Democrat president-elect, and I watch the right-wing implode with the worse -than Villainous Breakdown they'll suffer. I trust they'll tear each other apart, and make the Repubicans even less electable.
...and I shall savour the sweet butthurt of those on 4chan's /pol/, especially when I say to them 'I told you so...!' >:D
McCain. Romney. So much for 'Faith'. But then, that word sounds just like FAIL .
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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