Throw The Bums Out #conspiracy

Actually, death camps like Auschwitz might now be legal thanks to a synergistic effect between the NDAA/MCA and the recent assassination ruling. Think about it, if the president can authorize the assassination of American citizens who are terror suspects anywhere (including in the US) on his word alone and the president can round up and indefinitely detain American citizens who are terror suspects on his word alone then why can't the president round up, detain, and then execute (i.e. exterminate) American citizens who are terror suspects anywhere in the world (including the US)? Oh, and before you say "that ruling only applies to people on foreign soil where they can't easily be arrested" there is NO SUCH LIMITATION in the court ruling at all. That means the only real objection could be that Obama would not use (or even recognize) that such a thing is legally possible but that doesn't matter as Obama will not be president after Jan 20, 2017.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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