James Hepburn #conspiracy dailykos.com

As for Neil deGr4ass Tyson, he's a fucking idiot. A failed physicist plucked out onto the corporate media arena as the spokesman for all that Wall Street wants you to believe about science.

A PR hack. Has always been. And this latest step into a genuine scientific controversy with stomping boots is the science equivalent of World Wrestling.

Hilariously, in Tyson's bio on Wikipedia, someone wrote:

He was 18th author on a paper with Brian Schmidt, a future winner of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics

LOL. He knew a real Nobel prize winner!!!


Right now, Monsanto and others have altered the genes of some food plants to make them actually PRODUCE A PESTICIDE.


Other modifications create organisms that are RESISTANT TO PESTICIDES.

Yum again!!!

You don't have to be a scientist to know that there are risks inherent in such radical alterations of the foods we eat.

And you have to be a complete idiot to deny that we can so dramatically alter our foods without the potential for unseen consequences.

Our bodies didn't evolve over millions of years eating these genetically modified organisms. Most of them are probably harmless, other than the fact that they taste like shit.

But for the wrongest of the wrong:

Global warming and GMOs are two completely different, completely unrelated issues.

To try and link them together the way Tyson and others have done here is pure smear technique, straight out of Propaganda 101.

It is a ridiculously transparent attempt to falsely equate legitimate and scientific concern about the risks associated with GMOs with the completely unscientific denial of climate change.

Anyone using this smear, is either a Monsanto sockpuppet, or a natural born sleazebag.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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