The homosexual community have deliberately placed sodomite ministers into many churches to confuse the public. I heard President Bill Clinton once say that if leading theologians can't make up their mind on abortion, then how can he since he's only a layman in a Southern Baptist church? There are false theologians, unsaved liberals, who are deliberately promoted in the eyes of the public to confuse people on moral issues. However, there is no controversy if you believe the Bible. We're not supposed to look to theologians Mr. Clinton, we're supposed to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES as Jesus commanded in John 5:39.
It's on purpose that the devil's crowd have entered the pulpit, to confuse people even more. ANYONE can apply for a 501c3 state-license (a non-profit corporation) and label their organization as “a church.” The Church of Satan is a 501c3 organization. There are ordained and state-licensed Wiccan organizations, providing witches to perform weddings and funerals legally. So you have to be very aware of this fact when you hear about all the crazy so-called “pastors” doing bizarre and nutty stuff; ANYONE can call themselves “a church.” Since most people don't know the Scriptures, they are likely to believe almost anything they are told. Ignorance is a dangerous thing, whether unintentional or deliberate.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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