Well either the Christian God exists or God don't exist.
False dichotomy and subject-verb agreement covered...
Well, Livin, you're extremely wrong. Any rational approach suggests if a god exists, it's probably not Bible God, who is a somewhat ridiculous character. An impersonal Prime Mover sort of god may well exist (though I don't believe so), but a jealous, petty. Inconsistent being, supposedly omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent, yet flawed with human emotions and allowing untold suffering? Doubtful...
"Well either the Christian God exists or God don't exist"
Rainbows don't actually physically exist, but at least we can SEE them:
Therefore on the basis of the above, not only does DC Comics have to find a new speedy superhero (short of recruiting Usain Bolt; but he's too busy at CERN - he's hired by the scientists there to be the pacemaker for the Large Hadron Collider) as 'The Flash' is now obsolete, "MLP:FiM"'s Rainbow Dash is now proven to be superior to God. Oh, and speaking of which...:
...at least we can see Lauren Faust (Ponies and Blessings Upon Her).
Either way, it's not looking good for the case of the supposed 'existence' of your Biblegod, pal.
Your conclusion is wrong. You can't prove other gods don't exist, because there are an infinite number of possible gods whose existences are not falsifiable.
However, being an atheist, I do not believe in any god, simply because of a lack of evidence.
The Christian God is born of middle Eastern myths, being the cradle of written languages surrounding that area they have the works of many other dieties worshipped before his invention.
In other words, Your Christian God is one of the few young enough to be culled from others AND IS PROVEN AS SUCH.
Some of the older ones on the other hand stand out as first cause religions, certainly owing to older myths as well but not traceable as such.
Johnny come lately Christianity is only as viable as any Beatles rip-off band.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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