David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
America is no longer a nation. We are now a banker holding. They're just slowly sucking the life out of us, like a bloodthirsty vampire preying upon his victims. The American has their head buried in the sand. This includes Christians sadly. There's nothing worse than a fool who thinks that he is wise. So many Christian men today are 100% supportive of the government and military, with no concern for truth, justice or righteousness. God never told us to give blind alliance to government. Romans 13 says to submit to the higher powers. The U.S. Constitution is higher power than the government. Most Christians are gullible and naive, believing what Fox news tells them. They don't dare question authority, but they need to. .
If You See Something, Say Something Spy Society is Here!!! (What a bunch of criminals!)
World War III is on the way! I believe that the Iran war will be used to drastically turn up the heat here at home. I believe we will see a false-flag terror attack on American soil. A “false flag-terror attack” is when the global elite are behind the attack, but blame their enemy as a pretext to carry out an agenda.
For Example: The 911 attacks were a false-flag terror attack by the global criminal elite, which they used as a pretext to start Homeland Security to police Americans. They also used the 911 attacks as a pretext for war against Afghanistan and Iraq, and to pass the treasonous Patriot Acts. The New World Order gang created a fictitious boogieman, slapped bin Laden's face on it, and gullible Americans bought it hook, line and sinker. Al Qaeda = CIA. It's so blatant for those who want to see the truth. It's as clear as day. I'm surprised more people don't see the truth of what really happened on 911. Hardly anyone is listening to the victim's families, 911 first-responders, 911 fireman and over 1500 architects and engineers...
The mainstream newsmedia are the most powerful force in the world next to God's Word. They are the only reason why the Bush administration got away with 911. The evidence is solid and concrete, but the mainstream newsmedia has whitewashed and downplayed everything through intellectual deceit and ambush journalism toward anyone who dare call for a legitimate investigation into the 911 attacks. The official investigation has been proven to be a big hoax by most of its own members. The problem is that most people don't care enough to become a VOICE for God, truth, liberty and righteousness...
Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, religions destroy spirituality, and Bible publishers destroy God's Word.