Atheists hate us because hate is all that's available to them. They hate everybody. They hate themselves most of all
I am so sick and fucking tired of self righteous christian trying to tell me how I do or do not feel, or what I do or do not believe. I think I'm a better judge of that, thank you very much. You would resent it if I was the one telling you whether or not you believe in something, or feel a certain emotion, so what the fuck do you think gives you the right to do the same to me?
They cannot love because they reject God, who is LOVE and without love...there's only hate. No one can love without God
So you are telling me that I'm incapable of loving my children? And not just not loving them you are telling me that I hate them instead? The same would have to apply to my family and friends. But guess what, I don't, and you don't get to say whether I do or do not, it is not your place. Just because you're a christian and that seems to make you feel that you are better than those you think are not "true christians(TM)" it does not, cannot, and will not ever give you the right to dictate how I think, feel, or any other damn thing you think your "god" gives you the right to dictate. Period!
It's very simple
Simple to you because you see the world in terms of "I'm always right because I'm a christian and anyone who disagrees is wrong". Nothing could be further from the truth.
Also, because they are controlled by demons and serve Satan.
So only christians have free will? I see no reference in your bible (And I've likely read it more thoroughly and often than you) to the effect that all non-believers are controlled or possesed by demons or satan.
God is the only protection against such.And of course the demons in them hate us because we tell the truth.
Truth isn't a trait found in many fundamentalist, yourself for example. You create your own theology as it suits you, you ignore other parts when it's convinient, and I've seen your kind pile up lie after lie as long as you can rationalize that you are doing it in the name of "god" (Strangely the very same god who commanded you not to lie.). So please tell me, what "truth" is it that you tell?
The demons are doomed to hell for eternity and know it. They have no excuse because they were in Heaven before and had all that Heaven affords... and they rejected it.
So your mythology says, and many others mythologies say differently, what makes your real and the others not real other than the fact that you say so?
They lie so Atheists lie. They can not tell the truth.
My first name is James. I was born in November. I am an atheist. I post comments to FSTDT. I am of the opinion that you are an idiot. All of these statements can catagorically be proven true, yet you insist that I, as an atheist, are incapable of telling the truth. The fact that it's near impossible to get through the day without telling the truth about something at least once leads me to believe that you are misinformed at best, and at worst, as much of a liar as you would claim atheists to be. So which is it? Are you wrong, or are you a liar?
The demons hate so they hate.
I'm a pretty laid back guy and can count on one hand the number of things that I can say that I "hate". Christians are not one of those things, no matter how much you tell me it is.