Peter LaBarbera #homophobia

Even FOX News is biased in favor of homosexual “marriage”

Shepard Smith has demonstrated his pro-homosexual bias on air as a FOX News anchor.
The following Skype interview by America’s Survival founder Cliff Kincaid with AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera aired on AS’s Roku channel June 26, 2013. The two discuss the Supreme Court’s striking down of Section 3 of DOMA and the Court’s Prop 8 ruling. In discussing the media’s strong pro-”gay” bias, LaBarbera reports that a major Pew Research Center study of media coverage on homosexual “marriage” found that even FOX News’ reporting was biased in favor of “same-sex marriage.”

Kincaid then reveals that veteran FOX News anchor Shepard Smith has for the third year in a row been listed (along with Matt Drudge) in the homosexual magazine OUT‘s “Power 50? list of the 50 most powerful homosexuals in America. (Smith is not publicly homosexual, nor is Drudge — but neither was CNN’s Anderson Cooper when he was similarly listed for years by OUT — only to “come out” as a public homosexual last year.)

Kincaid also discusses Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan’s alleged lesbianism, and LaBarbera describes the rise of a new “ex-gay” Christian umbrella group (Restored Hope Network) that replaces the now defunct Exodus International – which cravenly abandoned its defining mission of helping men and women abandon homosexuality. You can watch the interview on America’s Survival’s YouTube channel here:



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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