
Pastor Patrick Wooden #fundie #homophobia americansfortruth.com

(From 2012, in continuation of this)

I do not back off or back down from my statements at all. I was giving anecdotal examples that I am personally aware of that have happened as a result of men who have given themselves over to this lifestyle. One man past away, a friend of mine shared this information with me, that where what used to be his anus had become a gaping hole and he literally died in diapers, he literally lost control of himself. There are examples of men who have stretched their anuses, their sphincter muscles so that they could fit objects into themselves that once the sphincter muscle is stretched too much it will not contract. Because the truth is, despite the anger of the homosexual community, the anus is not a vagina. A vagina, a woman can give birth, God so designed it, the hips release can give birth to babies and things return back to normal. The anus doesn’t work that way; this is one of the reasons why many male homosexuals place larger and larger objects in their rectums.

I know of a case where in a hospital a homosexual male had a cellphone lodged in his anus and as they were operating on him the phone went off, the phone started ringing! There’ve been instances where men have put bats, baseball bats, in their rectums!

Even the homosexual lobby knows, those who are pro-homosexual, they know that they cannot win the argument describing what it is that these people actually do to each other, the objects, the animals in certain cases, the little gerbils; thank God I’m a human being! Because if you talk about what it is that these people actually do, they can’t win the argument.

Peter LaBarbera #fundie #homophobia americansfortruth.com

Folks, the following is an excerpt from a 2017 story in the Washington Blade, a newspaper for homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders in the nation’s capital, regarding then-State Department spokesman and current Trump nominee for U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Heather Nauert.

Pro-LGBTQ activism and advocacy was a fixture of the Obama years, and social conservatives hoped it would stop under President Trump. Yet it persists, usually through official recognition of special LGBTQ activist “days” like this. Surely there are deep divisions within Trump’s foreign policy team, which by definition includes many Obama holdovers, on whether and how strongly the United States should engage in pro-homosexual/-bisexual/-transgender advocacy of this sort.

When I first heard of Nauert’s nomination, all I could think of was how bizarre it is that Nauert, just years from being a Fox News persona, would likely hold the same position as the esteemed Jeane Kirkpatrick, Reagan’s steely UN ambassador, who played a pivotal role in facing down Soviet aggression and ultimately the fall of Soviet communism. Try as I might, I cannot imagine Kirkpatrick donning purple and hawking a pro-homosexual “Spirit Day.” Let’s just leave it at that. (The event is organized by the anti-Christian LGBTQ leftist group GLAAD.)

If Nauert becomes one of the world’s most prominent international “gay/trans rights” advocates, it would be a significant betrayal of Trump’s electoral mandate and a great victory for the powerful leftist social forces pushing American-style immorality on the world.

Peter LaBarbera #fundie #homophobia americansfortruth.com

Dear AFTAH Supporter,

The following is an appeal for funds and prayers by Jennifer Coutlee–an Indiana woman and Christian mother of three who is living the ultimate marital nightmare: her husband of 17 years, Wyatt, engaged in secret, adulterous sodomies with other men before finally announcing his homosexuality to her under compulsion of his male lover. Now she has to endure a situation in which her 12-year-old Autistic son is forced to spend time in his dad’s household with the homosexual male lover present. Jennifer has created an online “crowdfunding” site to help her in her legal battles ahead to protect her children.

If your heart is not moved by this tragedy, check your pulse. Let’s band together to raise a few thousand dollars–or many thousands of dollars!–to help this brave and determined woman protect the safety and innocence of her children. Please read this letter and go to Jennifer’s funding site and give what you can. If you cannot donate, pray for her. This is a side of the “gay” activist movement that the media rarely report on honestly–how the pursuit of sexual perversion and immoral relationships breaks up families and puts children at risk.

The media love “gay” victims, but the victims of selfish homosexuals?–not so much. And we all know that a sizable portion of people who read Jennifer’s letter will make some sort of excuse for Wyatt, the homosexually adulterous husband, on the grounds that he “discovered his gay self” —”who he really is,” or some pathetic variation of these. (Remember homosexual adulterer and New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey’s self-serving “I am a gay American” speech?) In the end, homosexualism is merely another indulgence of sinful self over God–and it is at war with the natural family.

AFTH #fundie americansfortruth.com

The Coming Christian Revolt

By Matt Barber, July 21, 2014

From behind a smoking sniper rifle high atop his ivory tower peers the secular “progressive.” He surveys his many victims, strewn across the American landscape below and mockingly sneers, “War on Christianity? What war on Christianity?”

He then resumes shooting, all the while insisting that those uncooperative Christians who scatter for cover behind the Word of God and the U.S. Constitution somehow suffer from a “persecution complex” (the baker, the photographer, the florist, the innkeeper, the Christian school administrator, etc.).

Though there are many, it is plain for all to see that abortion and “sexual liberation” remain the two principal theaters in the ongoing culture war battlefront.

To fully advance the causes of radical feminism, abortion-on-demand, unfettered sexual license, gay marriage and the like, the pagan left must do away with religious free exercise altogether. Under the guise of “anti-discrimination,” Christians today face discrimination at unprecedented levels.

Let’s see if we can make this abundantly clear. Christians, true Christians—regenerate, Bible-believing Christians who strive their level best to maintain fidelity to the word of God and honor His commands—will not—indeed cannot—participate in, approve of, facilitate or encourage certain behaviors deemed by the Holy Scriptures to be immoral or sinful.

This is both our constitutionally affirmed human right and our Christian duty.

It is not done from hate. It is not done from bigotry. It is done neither from a position of superiority nor a desire to “impose our beliefs” upon others.

It is done from both obedience to Christ and compassion for our fellow fallen who yet wallow in folly.

Central to Christianity, and clearly delineated throughout both the Old and New Testaments, is the unambiguous and timeless proposition that any sexual practice outside the bonds of true man-woman marriage constitutes sexual immorality and results in separation from God. This, of course, includes sexual acting out between members of the same sex, whether or not such acting out is tied to the novel notion of so-called same-sex marriage.

Likewise central to Christianity is the relatively easy-to-understand concept that a Christ follower must neither take the life of a pre-born child nor aid and abet, in any way, the taking of such life.

It is not so much that Christians wish, willy-nilly, to call abortion, homosexual behavior, fornication, adultery, bestiality, incest or any other disordered sexual proclivity “sinful.” It is, rather, that we must. For the true Christian, God’s objective truths will always trump man’s subjective desires.

Newton’s Third Law states: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

For every law, regulation, activist court ruling or presidential edict that demands Christians violate their sincerely held religious beliefs and adopt a postmodern, moral relativist way of life, there increases, in exact proportion, the likelihood of widespread civil disobedience—disobedience of the sort we haven’t seen since the civil rights struggles of the 1950s and ’60s.

Indeed, if, in the spirit of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., we, his fellow Christian travelers, must again face the water hoses, then face them we shall.

As the recent Hobby Lobby decision reaffirmed, the government cannot legislate away religious free exercise. Where your desire, intense though it may be, for me to employ you despite your antagonistic values system, pay for your abortion, or host, photograph or otherwise bake a rainbow cake for your faux wedding, comes into conflict with my absolute right to religious liberty, the result is a forgone conclusion.

I win, you lose.

We have seen and will continue to see an exponential increase in Christian business owners refusing to violate God’s commands by complying with unconstitutional, immoral and unjust government dictates.

For 2,000 years, whenever such conflicts have arisen, Christians have placed the laws of God above the laws of man.

What makes you think we’re about to change now?

As many in the early church refused to bow a knee to Caesar in worship, so, too, will many modern Christians refuse, under any circumstances, to obey any law that presumes to make sin obligatory.

If the ancient church, through the power of the Holy Spirit, was able to face the lions in hopeful anticipation of joining Jesus, then we, too, under the same Spirit, will face anything today’s pagan left can threaten.

In the ongoing culture war, it seems there are no rules of engagement. The secular left will accept nothing short of unconditional surrender. That is to say, the pagans demand that we Christians abandon the biblical worldview altogether, and adopt their own.

This will never happen.

Martin Luther King Jr. famously declared, “One has not only a legal, but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”

In 2012, after the Obama administration unilaterally issued its now-gutted HHS contraception/abortion mandate, Catholic priests from across the nation, to their great credit, read from the pulpit a letter that contained the following declaration: “We cannot—we will not—comply with this unjust law.”

As our secularist government increasingly imposes similar laws, so, too, increases the certitude of civil disobedience.

While there are those who will give way out of fear, weakness or a desire to conform to the world, there are many others who will not. Christians must peacefully come together, lock arms and redouble our resistance to evil.

Even when that evil is adorned with the presidential seal and signature

Peter LaBarbera #fundie #wingnut #homophobia americansfortruth.com


1) Call or write Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) [202-224-2854; Chicago 312-886-3506; online Comment Form HERE] and urge him to stop rewarding anti-Christian bigotry. Ask him to return this “Freedom Award” from the hateful anti-Christian homosexual group, Equality Illinois–which in 2012 launched a failed pressure campaign to kick Chick-fil-A restaurants out of Illinois.

2) Call or write the Republican National Committee [Contact Form HERE] and its Chairman, Reince Priebus [202-863-8500; choose ext. "1"], and urge them to stand firm against the aggressive Homosexual Lobby, which is targeting Christian leaders and businesses like Chick-fil-A for demonization. Tell Priebus that when Republicans like Sen. Mark Kirk embrace Democratic-type social liberalism, it only deflates the pro-family GOP grassroots. Lastly, urge Priebus to PUBLICLY oppose ENDA, the radical Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Thank Chairman Priebus for being publicly pro-life–but urge him also to make the case against “Big Gay Government” (e.g., ENDA)–and Obama’s push to nationalize “same-sex marriage”–as part of the RNC’s regular public Talking Points.

Peter LaBarbera #homophobia americansfortruth.com

Even FOX News is biased in favor of homosexual “marriage”

Shepard Smith has demonstrated his pro-homosexual bias on air as a FOX News anchor.
The following Skype interview by America’s Survival founder Cliff Kincaid with AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera aired on AS’s Roku channel June 26, 2013. The two discuss the Supreme Court’s striking down of Section 3 of DOMA and the Court’s Prop 8 ruling. In discussing the media’s strong pro-”gay” bias, LaBarbera reports that a major Pew Research Center study of media coverage on homosexual “marriage” found that even FOX News’ reporting was biased in favor of “same-sex marriage.”

Kincaid then reveals that veteran FOX News anchor Shepard Smith has for the third year in a row been listed (along with Matt Drudge) in the homosexual magazine OUT‘s “Power 50? list of the 50 most powerful homosexuals in America. (Smith is not publicly homosexual, nor is Drudge — but neither was CNN’s Anderson Cooper when he was similarly listed for years by OUT — only to “come out” as a public homosexual last year.)

Kincaid also discusses Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan’s alleged lesbianism, and LaBarbera describes the rise of a new “ex-gay” Christian umbrella group (Restored Hope Network) that replaces the now defunct Exodus International – which cravenly abandoned its defining mission of helping men and women abandon homosexuality. You can watch the interview on America’s Survival’s YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/Si8SuFujq0M

Peter LaBarbera #homophobia americansfortruth.com

Frequently the charge leveled against this writer and any pro-family advocate who delves into this connection is that we are alleging that all or most “gay” men are child molesters. This is absurd. Recently this false accusation was leveled against me in a hostile e-mail to AFTAH. I challenged my accuser to find a single remark of mine that supports his claim that I had said that ”all or most gay men” are pedophiles. He never provided any evidence, because there is none.

What I have said for the last two decades is that pederasty and pedophilia are disproportionately connected to homosexuality — as one would expect since it is a perversion. I have asked the question of why so many child-sex-abuse victims are boys (usually estimated at more than 25 percent) if a mere 1-3 percent of men are homosexual. Deviance begets deviance, so the overabundance of pathologies — sadomasochism, unparalleled promiscuity, high STD rates, pornography, extreme gender confusion, relationship violence, and past child sex abuse – among homosexuals should not surprise those who still consider facts and reason above politically-correct platitudes.

Peter LaBarbera #homophobia americansfortruth.com

Why aren’t all schoolchildren being taught that there are special health risks associated with homosexual behavior and that they should “just say no” to homosexuality? (Instead, schools are willy-nilly working to spread the PC idea among youth that certain people are naturally “gay,” and that this is a harmless identity);

Why won’t the news media make the common-sense connection between these frequent stories about (male) homosexual behavior and disease — to the idea that perhaps it’s probably not smart for society and pop culture to celebrate homosexuality and bisexuality?;

Why isn’t there a concerted government effort — akin to the current anti-smoking campaigns — to reign in homosexual promiscuity – beginning with closing down all sex businesses (bathhouses) that facilitate homosexual perversion? (Of course, we favor closing down straight prostitution businesses as well.) We know that bisexual behavior (men on the “down low”) help spread dangerous diseases to the general population: how many deaths and illnesses have to result from “second-hand sodomy” before authorities take corrective action? (Curiously, even President Bush’s White House spokeswoman, Dana Perino, recently abruptly cut off a question by reporter Les Kinsolving critical of homosexual bathhouses);

If any other behavior were as closely linked to death and disease as male homosexuality, would we be so careful not to criticize it – or would we offer healthy alternatives to it like abstinence and the ex-”gay” movement?

Peter LaBarbera & Matt Barber #wingnut #homophobia americansfortruth.com

[The gay conservative group called GOProud is co-hosting the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference.]

It boils down to this: there is nothing “conservative” about — as [Matt] Barber inimitably puts it — “one man violently cramming his penis into another man’s lower intestine and calling it ‘love.’” Or two women awkwardly mimicking natural procreative relations or raising a child together in an intentionally fatherless home. This does not mean that people practicing those and other immoral (and changeable) behaviors cannot think and act conservatively on other issues like lowering taxes, cutting government spending, ending abortion, etc. But let’s be honest: the “proud” in GOProud is not about pride in opposing the death tax, or defending the right to bear arms; it’s about proudly embracing sinful homosexual behavior – and that is hardly a conservative value.

I challenge every thinking conservative to explain why we should jettison our nation’s Judeo-Christian heritage (which clearly rejects homosexual acts as immoral) for some new, secularized brand of “conservatism” that fails to conserve natural, normal, and noble sex within God-ordained marriage. Where does the expansion of “conservatism” stop? Would CPAC welcome “Republicans for Abortion” as a co-sponsor? How about “Conservatives For Higher Taxes”? We doubt it. So let’s stop the double-standard on one issue — homosexuality — that happens to be politically incorrect in this decadent age.

Fritz #fundie americansfortruth.com

“This happens in all cases where people are oppressed and lack representation,” continued Fritz. “We will have gay and lesbian people strapping bombs to their chests and blowing up churches. All it will take is one or two more losses like this. If marriage equality is taken away in one of the landmark states, we will see domestic terrorism arise very quickly. — In 1991, I witnessed gay and lesbian activists setting fire to buildings and beating people with baseball bats in Los Angeles.”

Peter LaBarbera #fundie americansfortruth.com

Meghan McCain, the Senator’s daughter, seems to make much of the fact that she’s 24, as if that alone somehow validates her opinions, even on timeless moral truths like the sanctity of marriage. So I posted these questions to Meghan McCain on my Facebook page:

What gives your generation (Gen Y) the right to change God’s transcendent moral code by radically redefining the institution of marriage? What new insights on the morality of homosexuality led you to contradict the thousands of years of Biblical understanding on this point?

Later we’ll discuss why Meghan is not a good role model for young people insofar as her brand of “open-minded Christianity” has no basis in Scripture and jettisons the wisdom of the past. Here’s a theoretical pondering of Meghan on God’s created ordering of the sexes: “OK, God, I know you — like— created man and woman and everything and I’m totally into the Bible, but, ya know, since I’m 24 and I’m like — so in tune with the young people of this country and what they’re thinking — ya know — we think if two people love each other — it’s like — what’s-the-big-deal — I mean — why shouldn’t they be able to get married?! That’s not fair!”

Linda Harvey #fundie americansfortruth.com

(12 astonishing facts about AIDS in America)

2. Almost half of HIV cases (just under 500,000) are known to involve male homosexual behavior.(b) This is a highly conservative figure. Male- to- male sex is a contributing factor in other transmission categories as the Centers for Disease Control defines them. A more realistic actual figure is around 60-70%.

Rev. Wayne Perryman #homophobia americansfortruth.com

The dictionary defines homosexuality as: “Having a desire for someone of the same sex [gender] or the act of having sex with someone of the same sex [gender]. In other words it is a sexual behavior carried out with someone of the same gender. It did not define it as two people of the same gender who happens to love one another. Simply put, both homosexuality and heterosexuality are about sex. One sexual expression is perfectly in line with how nature has designed our bodies for reproductive purposes (it called heterosexuality) and the other is not (this one is called homosexuality). Neither sexual expression has anything to do with love. Both are sexual behaviors expressed through physical contact between two or more people.

Peter LaBarbera #fundie americansfortruth.com

[From a list of lessons allegedly learned from the contrversy surrounding Barack Obama's pick of Rick Warren to speak at his inaugration.]

Two, homosexual activists really are out to silence the voice of evangelical Christians. They want Warren muzzled and driven off the platform, and my guess is that they will boo him off if Obama doesn’t pull him off first. Unless cooler heads prevail, we may see the exercise of a heckler’s veto like we have never seen before. Imagine the sound of 4 million people booing in unison, and you’ve got a picture of what may happen at the inauguration ceremony—We have only seen the beginning of this saga. There is just no way left-wing activist groups are done putting pressure on Obama to repent in dust and ashes. They will be relentless until he recants, and make him pay if he doesn’t.

Peter LaBarbera #homophobia #fundie americansfortruth.com

Isn’t the “gay” activist movement obnoxious? Now they’re staying home from work and “calling in gay” to protest Prop 8. But wasn’t it just a short time ago when the homosexual lobby was moaning that all across America people could be fired “just because they’re gay”? Now they’re taunting their employers using their gayness. Gee, it looks like their jobs are pretty safe!

I wonder: if a few homosexuals were to get fired for pulling this “Call in Gay” stunt, would they sue for being “discriminated” against? (That was a rhetorical question.)

Yes, the homosexual activists wear us all out with the non-stop militancy. (I think they wear out some of the non-militant homosexuals, too.) Enough already. I don’t think self-styled “queers” will stop agitating until every day of the year is devoted to some sort of belly-aching that aims to normalize that which is aberrant and sinful. Of course, like the pro-abortion-on-demand crowd, their ability to agitate has zero bearing on right vs. wrong.

Chuck Colson #fundie americansfortruth.com

[On a Massachusetts doctor who helps transgendered youth prepare for the self determined choice to change genders.]

So why are doctors like Spack altering young bodies instead of treating confused minds?

The answer is that many doctors have embraced the modern teaching that sexual identity, rather than being biologically determined, is a preference or a choice. According to this, people should be allowed to choose whatever sex they want to be.

But both science and the Bible teach otherwise: God created us male and female in His image. Shots and surgeries and politically correct teachings cannot alter this fundamental truth.

Tragically, some parents are now buying into this false teaching—and allowing their children to undergo destructive treatments.

You and I need to be spreading the word that legitimate treatment is available for people suffering from gender confusion—and it is a treatment that does not sacrifice the well-being of children to the political agendas of adults.