Xtragal3 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com
OMG Big Metroid UFO Intercepted by Helicopter
I was my house with a friend when my friend staying near the window said he heard a weird helicopter sound.
At first I didnt care being just a helicopter but being my friend kept insisting I went toward the window and could also hear how strange the helicopter sounded.
While it sounded as a helicopter the sound was somewhat different, my first though was maybe it had engine troubles.
In a hurry I grab my videocamera and zoomed in on the helicopter that looked like Yellow I belive it was from
Civil Defense unit:
[link to en.wikipedia.org]
"Civil defense, civil defence (see spelling differences) or civil protection is an effort to protect the citizens of a state (generally non-combatants) from military attack. It uses the principles of emergency operations: prevention, mitigation, preparation, response, or emergency evacuation, and recovery"
Now why would Civil defense be there if there was no Catastophe, Fire or Military atack?
I kept on zooming and looked in the direction the Helicopter was facing since it was like Observing something.
I was Surprised to see a Huge UFO in the middle of the sky
My Adrealine skyrocket as i observed through the tiny videocamera how the object seem to be landing behind a building and in the middle of the Town
Zooming in it looked like those Metroids in Nintendo Videogame that grab you and suck out your blood.
It was Greenish and for me seemed like it had 3 lights around.
I showed my friend the video and he was shocked but said the 3 lights looked like windows.
On the video you can see 2 persons hanging under the Object which make you believe is a parachute.
I not saying is Not a parachute but i never seen one with 2 person under it and looking like a Green Metroid.
Also why would Civil defense helicopter be in the air if it was only a parachute..
And who would parachute in the middle of the town when this is probaly forbidden.
Also why was the helicopter making so strange sound
(you can not hear the engine on the video at the moment i recorded this for some reason the helicopter engine was not heard in the video)
I decided to Call it Metroid UFO
as that is how It looked like to me.
I have seen parachute before But NEVER ever seen something that looked like a Metroid
Heres my video:
[link to www.youtube.com]
Now For me it was UFO as it was this Big unknown metroid looking thing that was realy realy creepy.
If this was a parachute it most be the coolest parachute in the world
I will email this video to more friends see what they make out of it.