totally different kind of slavery there. slavery in the bible isn't like the slavery of modern day. Jewish culture slavery was a way of paying off a debt. it as more of being a servant for a certain amount of time. After a certain amount of time they were set free. the problem isn't about homosexuality. The problem is failed worship. That goes for anything. Obesity, anorexia, bulimia, anger problems, disobedience, etc. there are three things that would need to happen for a Christian to ostracize any one living happily in sin. 1. The person says that they are a Christian. Not a church goer, been baptized when I was a baby, give money to the church, do good deeds person. They say that they profess Jesus Christ as the king of their life. 2. An individual confronts the person about their sin. If the person is/does seek treatment from a counselor then they can remain in the church and you are to support them. But if they continue you grab another person. Then an elder.
Slavery in the Bible was so different that the bible has to give instructions on how severely a slave owner can beat his slaves. A slave owner can beat is slave so severely that the slave is incapacitated, however, the slave must continue to live and suffer the pain of his beating for at least three days. After three days, the slave can die of his beatings, but not before. Slavery was no different then.
Anyone notice a disturbing trend in how right-wing churches push selling oneself into slavery for debt, even as right-wing politicians push policies that drive most of us into debt?
@Reynardine: Oh yes. The neo-feudalists have always been there, really. They're just getting braver and more outspoken as the Overton Window continues its rightward shift.
Give it a few more years, maybe a couple of decades, and support for severe restrictions on democracy and some sort of debtors' prison or involuntary servitude system (as well as opposition to any and all forms of contraception) are probably going to be essential parts of the litmus test for Real True Christians®, much like opposition to homosexual rights and abortion is today.
I believe that Nonstampcollector made a Youtube video addressing this very topic, which I would highly recommend to anyone who is interested. In the Old Testament, there were two different forms of slavery. One was the equivalent of indentured servitude, which was for fellow Israelites. The other was for foreign slaves, which was the equivalent of, well, what we now know as slavery.
Slavery was abolished in Judaism about a thousand years ago. Even before then, if an owner so much as broke the tooth of a non-Jewish slave not only did they go free but they had the status of a Jew, equal to their former owner. And here are the fundies in the 21st century talking about what a good idea biblical slavery was.
Christianity is the religion that's supposed to be about love and freedom, you say?
" It's amazing what these people can convince themselves of. "
They've convinced themselves that some amortal being that resides outside of space and time created this entire universe of over a hundred bullion galaxies, and is still gravely concerned what we do with our penis.
Once you've hit that point, believing the rest of the crap in the bible, as well as any interpretation of it, is easy.
"slavery in the bible isn't like the slavery of modern day. Jewish culture slavery was a way of paying off a debt. it as more of being a servant for a certain amount of time. After a certain amount of time they were set free."
Um, that only applies to Jews who were in debt... what does the Bible say about non-Jews and slavery? (hint... you keep them as long as you like and can beat the ever loving crap out of them since they are your PROPERTY!)
Sorry, but your lack of knowledge of what you speak is astounding.
Ah, so racial slavery is bad, but debt slavery is ok.
Welcome to the 21st century. Its funny to think, really. Over hundreds of years we argued and fought our way out of feudalism - which is basically a form of collective hierarchical slavery - and now these people are arguing us back into slavery, not to use a field anymore but this time for not paying our debt. Meanwhile the same people argue that consumerist possession and sexual control is everything - trying to funnel the sexual frustration into even more bacchanal consumerism, making people take on even more debt. Then, when you can't pay anymore, you're a slave - not in the figurative sense, no for real, with beating and all.
This is has to be how cows would feel if they could.
And guess what? The slaves were paid as well! Mind you, it was a pittance that was quickly devoured by their ever so generous Master's food, clothing and other miscellaneous expenses we won't delve into that far outstripped those wages. Which...oopsie daisy...puts you further into debt.
Try again.
Owning another human being, body and soul, is wrong, no matter how you want to justify it. This crime against humanity, like rape, can never be forgiven or forgotten.
"Jewish culture slavery was a way of paying off a debt. it as more of being a servant for a certain amount of time. After a certain amount of time they were set free".
Oh, yeah. A certain "eternal dictator " also used that system. I wonder what happened next.
Or, just maybe, you could get them actual, real, bone fide medical treatment. Failing that, you could mind your own f*cking business.
P.S. Slavery is slavery. One person having undue control over and/or forcing labor from another person is immoral.
Unfortunately, it's stuck at that size - a restriction from the Powers That Be to keep certain trolls from showing up and spamming us with giant pictures of crap and/or naked women. Apparently he's looking into some kind of lightbox code, but in the meantime you can right-click and select "Show Image" (in Firefox, I don't know what it's labeled in other browsers) to view it full-size.
Once again I enjoy the position Christians have put themselves in where they have to defend slavery. They can't deny that the bible condones it, so they have to claim it wasn't all that bad.
But once again, I'll state that owning another human being as property is wrong, period. Even if it is for paying off a debt.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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