discrimination against women is one of the GOD's plays
god controls us all.so our every movement is god's.so it is wise to say that discrimination against women is one of god's plays.nothing moves without him.he is the cause for us to exist.he is the cause for our rise and he is the cause for our downfall.
god controls us all.so our every movement is god's.so it is wise to say that discrimination against women is one of god's plays
Though to be consistent, you must also say that feminism is also one of God's plays.
Not to mention the fact that only 2 of 6 billion people in the world are Christian. That's "god's play"? I don't buy it.
So your god controls us all, huh?
I don't know how to break this to you, but he's a shitty controler. He can't control shit.
I think your god is a fucking idiot.
But doesn't that also mean that not discriminating against women is also one of God's plays?
In fact, since you deny free will it hardly matters what we or don't do. everything anybody has ever done or will do is actually God. You can't even comment on non-christians because they are non-christian because God wants them to be.
excuse me. God wants me to go get some lunch now.
So, your God's responsible for evil, then? Does that mean you worship Satan, or that there really is no absolute standard of right and wrong?
Since we're all God's little puppets, you can't blame me when He tells me to lay a boot alongside your head.
Oh yeah? What controller does he use? I was always fond of the PlayStation controller, but the Wii nunchuck is growing on me. God always struck me as a joystick kinda guy. I mean, he is a bit of a knob, after all.
So we're all just manifestations of God's 6,000,000,000,000+ alternate personalities? I don't buy it.
The only reason I can imagine why these idiots want to make God out to be our puppet master is that they don't want to have to face any responsibility for their thoughts and actions. Yet they don't see that the whole premise is absolutely ludicrous. Aside from the notions of free will and atonement for sin, if God is our puppet master, then the human race is nothing but one ginormous "Punch & Judy" show, mainly characterized by strife and violence -- and he is the only one to blame for it. Why should anyone want to worship THAT?
~David D.G.
So...you don't have a problem with homosexuality, the feminism movement, Islam or abortions then? Because, if nothing happens outside of God's control...
god controls us all.so our every movement is god's.
Logical implication:
God cnnot be good but is either neutral or evil ;)
Other implication:
As god makes us do everything, there is no sin,
everyone is perfectly right with the way he/she lives ;)
"god controls us all.so our every movement is god's."
So much for all that free will you people talk about. You've also just sunk your arguments against gay rights.
The epitome of "Godidit!"
god controls us all.so our every movement is god's.
If this is true then what is the justice behind punishing us for our "sins"? Surely if "god" controls our every movement this includes all those actions and thoughts that Jehovah so sorely disapproves of.
I'm not that big a fan of God's plays. I would rather read his haiku.
Oh, and Mister Spak -- Only the really hot gay anal sex.
@ Lefty Link
I honestly believe that's how it should work, at least according to Fundies. They believe that their God knows absolutely everything, and that "every movement is god's." If that's really the case, then he is responsible for how everyone has turned out. We can therefore say either that nothing is evil since all is from God, or that God is responsible for the evil in the world.
Of course, neither is suitable for the death-mongering fundies and their ilk. This is particularly amusing, since the Bible actually says that God creates evil.
If our every movement is god's, that must include bowel movements. Yeah, now I see it. God = Fiber. All that "nothing moves without him", etc.
"One of those really satisfying bowel movements, you know, the ones that border on mystical".
-- Parry, "The Fisher King"
If it is true that god controls us, then the fact that I do not believe in him is his choice and neither you, nor anyone else, should evangelize to me because that is going against the will of your god.
Why is God pitting people against each other, each claiming to do the One And Only God's Work?
Discrimination against women is diminishing. Did God change his mind?
"god controls us all.so our every movement is god's"
So my arm/hand/finger movement(s), typing out here that God is an inferior subhuman misogynistic cuntbag who should be worshipping women, seeing as one gave birth to him (Jesus), therefore women are superior to him , isn't me, it's actually him controlling my arms, hands & fingers on my computer's keyboard doing so, is that what you're saying?!
...thanks for that Sucking(more)than. Therefore I'm more than sinless than God, and you've just admitted it. I'll remember to quote your very words, next time a fundie deigns to think he has the right to accuse me of being a 'Sinner', when you've proved that I don't - as your 'God' controls me - therefore I'm completely blameless in even everything I think : it's God doing so!
And your God admits that women have more than every right in the world to be equal to men. Like I say: it's him saying so here; you said it, Suck(more)than, I didn't!
[/giga-paradox] >:D
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