I mean if modern day humans have been around for tens of thousands of years, then where are all the skyscrapers from years gone by? Where are all the books and artifacts? Where are the planes and cars?
Well, you know, since we've only just developed technologies like that recently, it stands to reason that...
Oh wait, it's Supersport. Screw that.
That's right, because skyscrapers, planes and cars all date back 6,000 years to the Garden of Eden.
You'd discount every artifact shown to you that predates your fucked up view of the world, so why bother.
Well,...honey, we didn't recognize the potential value of hydrocarbons until around 1850, and as Tempus stated, you Xian fundy fuckwits burnt down the library of Alexandria and all subsequent attempts to preserve and retain knowledge were similiarly dealt with.The Patriarch Cyril of Alexandria at the time is (not) coincidentially the patron saint of arsonists.
I honor the memory of of Hypatia, a neoplatonic mathematician and inventorous philosopher.
She was flayed alive with clam shells by an egged on mob of christians under the then patriarch of alexandria.Her crimes?Beseeching moderation and reason, as well as trying to prevent the destruction of the alexandrian libraries.
To Tempus,
why not terraform the Moon at a later date, and move Mercury into a braided orbit with Venus?
I guess the Jovian moons could also be terraformed.Even the Saturnian moons could undergo terraforming, but I guess if the human race ever achieved such god-like potential, we'd simply be spreading lifeforms, not actually colonizing the planets ourselves.
Yes, because, you know, there were skyscrapers in the middle Ages, or planes or cars...........are you idiot, or which part of the history class did you miss?
No, if SS goes to the clue store he should buy a 6-pack.
he already has a 6-pack, and is 2 beers short!
To Tempus,
From what I understand, the scientists
recently had to dramatically up their
water estimates.Mars has enough water just in it's poles and substrate a few meters down to turn Elysium and Tharsis into island continents if it were ever to all melt IIRC.
They never existed because in those times the world was ruled by fundies, everyone spent their time talking to the giant man with a long white beard who lived on a cloud instead of studying evolution.
Isn't it amazing that since we atheists started pushing the theory of evolution, skyscrapers cars and planes were invented? It's not a coincidence. Belief in evolution caused all these things to happen. If fundies prevented evolution from being taught we would still be living in grass huts or caves.
"Modern day humans" means BIOLOGICALLY modern, you twit, not technologically modern. It's an evolutionary reference, though, which explains why you are so willfully resistant to understanding it.
~David D.G.
There's plenty of ancient skyscrapers, they're called pyramids; millions of books were burned by the early Christains, and the not-so-early ones too, from the Library of Alexandria to the Maya Codexes in the 1500's. Of course you wouldn't know that because you don't read anything except the Bible ( KJV)
I've heard tell that even if the Library at Alexandria had survived, there's no guarantee that the civilization it represented would have moved significantly faster than it has in reality. The firm belief in Aristotilian natural principles may have set back the formation of the scientific method to create accurate models of reality by much longer than actually burning down the library did.
Of course, it was no doubt still a loss and there's no way to decide if that kind of conjecture is accurate or not.
If you believe the thesis of "The Closing of the Western Mind" (Freeman, C., 2002), the Christian church was largely responsible for stifling the Western intellectual tradition begun by the Greeks until the 17th century. So by that theory, the human curiosity needed for the creation of skyscrapers, planes and cars was crushed by religion until fairly recently.
Interestingly, there would propably be centuries-old skyscrapels by now were it not for Christianity suppressing sciences in Europe. Not only did they burn books, as pointed out by many, they even burned quite a few people that might have figured those books out.
Come to think of it, were it not for the Catholic church, we'd be, technologically, closer to year 3000 than 2000.
You know, I'm a senior in the Anthropology department of Appalachian State University, and while I was taking the Field School course (where a bunch of students actually go and do archaeology), I personally excavated a stone knife made in the Paleoindian period. This particular knife dated to I think about 12,000 years ago. Oops, did I just destroy your theory? The cities may not have been as grand, but they were DEFINITELY there.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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