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My MKUltra Programming As A 4 Year Old.

It's wrong and evil to say that death is not the enemy.

You clearly don't know what i'm talkign about.

From experience death is an enemy.

Also i'm sorry for having such a good time that I wanted to live forever. Youth is intellect. I had a passion to live forever as a child. As a 4 year old in kindygarden one day I gave the command to eternal life burning all bridges as you had to.

Then only afterwards to find the command wasn't the full word, I had been deceived, and with my command the enemy sprang to life that had been dead, with all it's forces it had been amassing in the dark, thay gaining life from my command.

These forces surrounded me and killed me. I made a last stand and did maximum amount of damage to them but there were just to many. By max dmg I mean there wasn't any more that could've been done. If I was using bullets there were no more bullets and every bullet hit a mark.

I think there was mention of having a second life, born again in righteousness. Now with knowledge of the full word, sustaining using the full word. This enables fluency and ease of use of the word command. It builds and becomes edified and shrinks the size of what you have to say by using as sustaining rather than just giving the outright command initially in the beginning. You learn shortcuts. Um. It makes it less cumbersome as you progress. Also it no longer gives life to the enemy unless you choose to.

Now as a four year old in kindy the books we read had text about two inches high and the teacher pointed at a word and the class read it.

I did all this before reading the bible. Now as most havent read the bible well I was basically in exact imitation of Paulos of the bible.

Romans 7:10 I found that the very commandment that was intended to bring life actually brought death. Around there Romans 7:10 etc.

Now a mkultra program or something could explain my knowledge and my understanding as a 4 year old of giving a command unto life and specific copying of the bible.

But i'm still in adherence to the Bible and imitation of Paul even if it is Mkultra. And like I was 4 in 1982. You would have to be pretty evil to mkultra mind controll a 4 year old in kindy.

My intellect and study as a 4 year old lead me to know in a command given to myself that would lead to immortality or life.

Every human has this ability to give themselves this command in them.

Death is an evil understand enemy. You fail to understand evil.

We are command machines.

We give commands to ourselves through words.

A The full complicated yet being simplified word command can lead to life immortal and not give life to the enemy. The full word and not the word the enemy teaches in deceit, which is but an appearance of the full word.

Anyway I seem to be in agreement with the bible after mkultra programming.

I can't get past the bible sorry.

It's my programming.

This has been my programming as a 4 year old from MKUltra back in 1982.




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