I believe Christianity is the default world religion and there should be no move to remove it from classrooms or from public life since such moves prove highly damaging to society if nothing else.
I believe kissing Hank's ass is the default world religion and there should be no move to introduce rivals, such as Christianity, into classrooms or into public life, since such moves prove highly damaging to society if nothing else. Don't believe me? Of all of the cruel, horrible dictatorships that have existed in human history, name me one that has made kissing Hank's ass the state religion. No, I didn't think you could.
Thing about messahanic religions is that they are not universally default. They are the result of a charismatic individuals gaining wide support in a time of social upheaval. Without the individual the religion cannot exist. They also do not exist prior to the person coming about. A universally default religion would exist devoid of any reliance on people, in fact we would be born with knowledge of the religion from the go.
Maybe, just maybe, you should stop listening to what your pastor says and start thinking you own thoughts.
And wouldn't being agnostic be the default mindset?
Phagosy, this one is known to us at RDF. She's English. But somewhere along the line she picked up a terminal dose of USA-style fundie virus. And consequently wants to bring the worst excesses of what you're suffering over there with the fundies onto our doorstep as well. She's well on her way to becoming another Carico. I notice, however, that she hasn't posted at RDF since August, after her last round of rampant proselytising resulted in her having her ass handed to her on a silver platter. Looks like she's looking for somewhere nice and cosy where she can bask in mutual admiration with other fundiforms.
Reminds me of something I caught one of the "Left Behind" authors saying on some talk show last night. "Every child is born knowing Jesus, they must be indoctrinated into atheism."
Haha, that's funny.
When I was 8 years old, I attended a cousin's wedding. First time ever in a church. The following conversation took place:
Me: "Who's that guy on the cross?"
Mom: "Oh..." *explains about Jesus being the son of God, and his death*
Me: "Boy, I bet God was angry!"
Funny how the "Default" religion for the world is:
a) Relatively young, and
b) A spin off of a spin off.
And also, feel free to keep religion in the classrooms. In private schools. Public schools are secular because NOT EVERYONE BELIEVES YOUR CRAP. Freedom of religion? Ring a bell? You and yours trot it out any time anyone dares to badmouth YOUR religion. It applies to everyone.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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