Barack Obama lets the truth slip out that he is a Muslim: "John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith"
Taqiyya allows a Muslim "to deny or denounce his faith if, in so doing, he protects or furthers the interests of Islam."
I've said it before, and now I'll say it again.
The neo-conservative zealots who oppose Obama need him to be Muslim, regardless of how false such claims are.
They know as well as I that, in this day and age, it draws considerably less ire from the public to hate a man because he's a Muslim than to hate a man because he's black. If they were to admit Barack's Christianity, his skin tone would be the only other plausible reason the rightists have to despise him.
Can't figure out why he would have a slip of the tongue like that, when you guys have been screaming about how he's a Muslim for well over a fucking year now. I mean there is no possible way he just misspoke, that never happens to anyone on the conservative side, now does it.
Fucking idiots.
OK, so you think Obama has a different interpretation of Abrahamic faith than you.
So the fuck what? Maybe if he believed in a god who hardened a pharaoh's heart for then to punish him when he did bad; who was incarnated on Earth and died to save His own creation from the wrath of Himself; who ordered humanity to eat his flesh and drink his blood; and who threw raving tantrums where He destroyed cities, flooded planets or ordered genocides... maybe then there'd be reason to worry.
Oh, wait.
Laura: it's a quote taken out of context. Nothing more.
This is less relevant than people think. When Clinton was pres, or for the next 5 years after that, republicans HATED him and everything he did. It got rather obsessive in internet sites that I read at the time. I think they hate Obama less because he's black, or anything like that, than that he is a Democrat leader, therefore the Designated Enemy. (And gets dragged into these religious debates since the average fundy is in no way capable of distinguishing between faith in God, and mere political ideology and self-interest.) Clinton was white, male, straight, and professed a christian faith, and that didn't stop that nonstop accusations of - well, everything. He sold America to the Chinese, destroyed the morality of all Americans, had secret gay affairs with Castro, convinced a rib-woman eat a magic apple, you name it, Clinton did it. It's only been the last few years that he HASN'T been the go-to excuse to blame all US problems on the democrats.
722046: Erasmus once said that lying for the church is acceptable as it helps Jesus and the church.
Obama: First Muslim I have seen with a pastor. They certainly used that when it suited them, Reverend Wright.
Oh for the luvva... He's not Muslim! As if it would even matter, Obama was directly addressing the stupid accusations that he is Muslim and that they did NOT come from McCain. If you watched the whole interview and not just one line (which speaks volumes as to how much of this you're actually paying attention to), you would know that.
*** Breaking News ***
Conservapedia a front for the Muslim agenda!
In a shock revelation today, a well-know 'right-wing' web-site, Conservapedia, accidentally outed itself as a front for Muslim propaganda.
In an unfortunate slip on the main page, one of the site's many editors referred to "my Muslim faith" in an article attacking Barack Obama, and goes on to talk about specific ways someone could go about furthering "the interests of Islam".
In what amounts to a complete reversal of their 'previously held' position, Conservapedia appears to have let the truth out of the bag and blown their carefully constructed cover.
Consevapedia's status as a reliable source of information for conservatives everywhere must now surely come under question in light of their self-effected exposure as duplicitous Muslim fanatics.
Knowing Islamic terminology fail.
But then again, this guy fails at pretty much everything else, too, so it's not too surprising.
That's a Republican smear! He actually said there are 57+1+2 states (57 visited, 1 to go, plus Hawaii and Alaska). That would be 60. Which is, y'know, so much better... Isn't it? No? Er... Well, at least it proves Obama's critics can't count, either?
Actually what I think probably happened is that Obama, being such a patriot, is used to talking about all 50 states, but halfway through he realised that he had only visited 47 (which was true), and that's where the 7 came from.
I love how people are writing long paragraphs debunking him being a Muslim here. Trust me, the handful of people who still believe this (and from my impression, it's about 9/11 truther numbers) aren't going to get it now if they haven't already.
Barack Obama lets the truth slip out that he is a Muslim: "John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith"
Since you failed to provide a link to a relevant source, I'm going to assume you're lying.
OMG! The man makes a gaffe, probably because he's sick of hearing the term, and he's crucified.
Oh, conservapedia... now there's a bastion of truth if I ever saw it!
Laura: Specifically, the full quote is "John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith, because I do not have one."
As for the '57' quote, I thought it was obvious he was starting to say '50', then tried to amend to '47', and in his fatigue, didn't manage to get that out. He even later asked to make sure he'd said the right number later, having realized he'd made a huge gaff with the 57 and some states.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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