openmike #fundie

Can the decisions of the Supreme Court place you and you family at risk of death or physical harm? Absolutely! God ( that's the guy who created the universe) knows the fetus in the womb. Many of us believe it ticks Him off to a point of judgment when caregivers and babysitters abort . The judgment ticks me off because when He unleashes His wrath my family and I are at risk of collateral damage when He allows our destruction. Our society is already presenting demonic tendencies whereby a large segment of society has blinders on are Godless riding the perverted "woman's rights" card or spin. In fairness that stand is based on ignorance and desire to be free from any moral rules from the likes of " religious". That freedom is a right ,but. Hefty trash bagging a living fetus is not! Prophecy dictates we will view good as evil and evil as good! We have arrived and the nail in the coffin for America will be goofey Warren and crooked Hillary two looney tunes that make me dry heave !



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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