Polycarp_fan #fundie christianforums.com

[on same-gender love]
Actualy, I don;t have to. One gay pride parade settles the issue. It's all about the erotic. Literally, it defines them.
[on peer-review]
Science is a very good friend of the Christian. Especially when being accused of homophobia, bigoty or hatefullness.

Every anatomy, biology and physiology book I have ever read is "peer reviewed."

ALL of them agree with the Biblical view that same-gender sex acts are inappropriate. Remember, genitalia provides "sexual orientation." Humans are not beasts. Our ability to use reason and logic to override our "animal instincts" is a fact. Or at least (according to science) they should.

I am far more comfortable debating the gay agenda with a science book in hand than a Bible. Although, the "Bible" is one heck of a "peer reviewed" work.

I mean, you weren't expecting something from the APA were you? How many times has the DSM been changed? They're on number 4 (IV) now.



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