Lewis Freeman-Harrison #fundie facebook.com
Marriage Survey 39% - NO....61% - Yes
We all knew from the outset that the media were going to support minority rights and the LBGTI political agenda.
We watched as Qantas, Councils, Paypal and GetUp poured incredible resources into YES campaign. Everyone with a mobile were contacted, illegally.
We were dismayed when Turnbull introduced protective legislation for YES campaigners only and then witnessed countless innocent Australians being vilified, punched and their property destroyed by the protected YES, for taking their stand with existing legislation.
We were shocked when the Australian Electoral Commission had Facebook close down our page the weekend of the marches. This is after the many news posts that Facebook refused to allow out, because they showed the YES campaign in a bad light.
Our leader, a YES supporter Malcolm Turnbull is crooning that this was a fair campaign and a massive win. Our only consolation is that more people support the NO vote than support his current leadership.
Despite all of this heaviness we feel—a massive thank you to all the page supporters, sponsors and helpers—we all did an awesome job against this backdrop to get the information out.
We also know that YES vote is going to have far reaching consequences because we informed ourselves and wanted to protect our children and the family.
Many voted YES before they understood the ramifications and saw the behaviour of the Left— and regretted it later.
This is a non-binding survey. The issue is not over. While Turnbull wants to initiate legislation as fast a possible, we must continue our fight to protect our children, our rights, and our religious freedoms. We have just suffered a set back. The issue is not yet over.
Lewis Freeman-Harrison
Campaign Manager
Vote No Australia