All children today go to school for 13 years (kindergarten plus 1-12 grades). It used to only be 12 years. But they kicked the Bible and prayer out in 1963 and then added kindergarten (making it 13 years). The public school system is stamped with rebellion.
You have to go for 13 years to have your faith destroyed in God. Originally there were only 13 channels on television. 13 year olds are known as rebellious. There is something about the number 13 that is far more than mere coincidence.
In the UK, we have fifteen years of education, including prayers and hymns in the first thirteen years.
The result is a slightly hostile apatheism, where religion is seen as something bad as it's foisted on us by the school system, masked by a declining cultural religion.
So, even if we accept David's paraniod conspiracy mongering, the solution is not the one he thinks it is!
Seven's the key number here. Think about it. 7-Elevens. Seven dwarves. Seven, man, that's the number. Seven chipmunks twirlin' on a branch, eatin' lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. You know that old children's tale from the sea. It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby. Step into my office...'Cause you're fuckin' fired!
In France, 12 years of formal education. 15 or 16 years if you count kindergarten. In Germany, 12 or 13 years, with less and less schools using the 13 years system.
Both countries as godless as ever before.
Actually, kindergarten is still not required; it is perfectly legal for parents to enroll a child straight in first grade the fall s/he reaches the appropriate age. High school, however, was not always available or free.
There was no channel 1 on the old dial, so there could only be 12 stations. And no area had broadcasts on all of them (I live in the LA market, where there were 7 stations broadcasting, and I don't imagine the smaller markets had more than that). That doesn't include those stations that broadcast on UHF. Again, in LA there were *maybe* 3 UHF stations available, for a total of 10.
13 year olds have a reputation for being rebellious because they are developing autonomy as a developmental stage. Nothing more, nothing less.
There is something about the number 13 that is far more than mere coincidence.
Oh, I know! 3 1s + 3 = 1+1+1+3 = 6. Take three of that, and you get...666 . ZOMG
The public school system is stamped with rebellion.
You haven't been in a public school in a long time, have you (probably a good thing, considering your pedophilia)? Schools are all about structure and following the rules and are anything but rebellious.
There is something about the number 13 that is far more than mere coincidence.
If you sit around thinking about the number 13, I'm sure you can come up with dozens of other useless coincidences.
There were 13 people present at the Last Supper.
There were 13 original American colonies.
Apollo 13 was the only moon mission which failed.
My penis is 13 inches long (OK, not really, just couldn't think up another instance of 13)
Besides, my children are actually going to school for 14 years. Preschool, kindergarten, and grades 1-12.
Now this guy's mad about Kindergarten.
Taylor Swift (and music videos of hers that don't exist), most genres of music & media, bathing suits, women in pants, etc. etc. etc.
....Even fellow maniacs like himself are not spared his ire! Not even his beloved mentor, Jack Hyles escapes his wrath!
Now, he hates Kindergarten!
What's there to be miffed about kindergarten? To quote Sinbad the comedian, "....that's all we did in Kindergarten; Take a some graham crackers!...."
If the bible got kicked out, why can you go to the school library and find one?
If the bible got kicked out, why are teachers handing them out in class?
SURE it'll never happen again...
So in addition to being an assbucket of the highest order, DJS also suffers from paralyzing triskaidekaphobia. Who's surprised?
I wonder why he didn't squawk about Friday the 13th; it's certainly old enough.
"13 year olds are known as rebellious."
Well, don't tell the Jews that. They consider 13 year olds adults.
But they kicked the Bible and prayer out in 1963 and then added kindergarten (making it 13 years)
What do you mean "and then"? Kindergarten has been around for over a century, and while pretty much all states require the school system to offer kindergarten, in some states in the US it isn't compulsory
So if you add two numbers you get another number? Wow, that's amazing! I'll bet if you subtract two numbers, you'll get another number, too. That can only mean that your god exists, and is the one true god, and everything you say about him is therefore true, right?
In Sweden you almost have to do at least two, preferably three, years of secondary school, in order to get a job afterwards. So that's 13+3. And, religion is a mandatory subject during most of those years. Yup, extensive religion education will make you one of the least religious countries in the world. Imagine what extensive sexual education will do to you... (Many jobs require additional education, of course.)
When I was a child, we had two channels on television, with half an hour of children's programs on each per day.
Two-year-olds are pretty rebellious too, ya know. But perhaps you're not attracted to girls that young, Mr. Kiddydiddler?
Yeah! And just look at the 13 colonies that banded together to form your...
There may have been 13 channels on the TV dial, but only three or four of them had anything on them. The rest were just fuzz.
Which is a pretty apt comparison for Stewart's brain.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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