Oh you mean junk science or would this be gay science and not reality. At best homosexuality is nothing more than a deformity.
A...deformity, you say?
Funny, all the gay men and women I've seen have looked perfectly normal to me. (well, except the ones who go all out to look and act feminine/masculine, respectively, but that's not a "deformity.)
Please God, PLEASE God! Tell me what the fuck is wrong with these people? What makes them think others can be offended, hated and insulted, based on their sexuality only because of your god-damned religion, for chrissakes!
would this be gay science and not reality
Hey man, gay science is fabulous.
(dang, Jay-Sus beat me to it)
At best homosexuality is nothing more than a deformity.
At a genetic level perhaps, but that'd only mean your gawd actually chose them to be who they are. Now try to figure out what the fuck kinda game that god of yours is trying to play.
Ok, let's go out on a limb here and say you're right, homosexuality is a deformity. Does that mean your god would condemn people to eternal torment because of a deformity HE cursed them with? Does he also condemn the crippled because they physically can't bow down to him? Or the mentally retarded because they can't grasp the gospel enough to be saved?
Well, we've proven the obvious: your god is a dick.
Attention all gay scientists!
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Fundy Word Redefinition Project:
junk science, n. any science that disagrees with my preconceived notions
Also, is refraction part of "gay science," since it produces rainbows?
Oh you mean junk science or would this be gay science and not reality.
Reality says that you cannot choose your sexual prefrence.
Grow a dick and deal with it.
At best homosexuality is nothing more than a deformity.
Prove it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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