Punisher (A-new Day) #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com
Chemtrails prove the ISS is a hoax!
The reason why chemtrails linger in the skies is the reason why the ISS is a hoax. Chemtrails linger because The atmospheric pressure at higher altitudes is greater than the thrust exiting the jet nozzles ergo the contrails are longer contained than at lower altitudes where the air density is lower and thrusts disperse quicker. Commercial airliners flying under the clouds produce ZERO trails.
Low altitude = low air density.
High altitude = Hi air density.
All Space Shuttle launches did a pitch maneuver soon after take-off, and later seen flying almost horizontal. No vertical launch has ever been recorded. Air gets too dense at higher altitudes and would run out of fuel trying to gain more height, fall. The Russians got the brilliant idea in 1957 of getting Sputnik (satellites) high enough for it to remain suspended (orbit) and why satellites don't exist! You'll never see footage of satellites from the ISS because the ISS is a hoax, and why no videos were ever recorded during its construction except CGI.
No camera-satellite piggy-backing on a rocket has ever reached the heights needed to film itself in orbit or the ISS during construction. This is not an endorsement for FE. FE is CIA.