[Please, anyone who has experience talking to an athiest about God, help me find the correct words to say that will have the most impact on him. Thanks in advance.]
Hon, The only words that will have an impact on him are these: I love you as Christ loves you. Leave it at that. There are no logical arguments that will convince him. It must be the work of the Holy Spirit.
I have to admit that's got to be one of the least offensive approaches I've seen thus far.
However, I'd be interested in hearing a truly logical and rational argument from you guys, too. So far when any of you guys attempts, it's an encyclopedia of stale fail.
At least they'll stop bugging us with endless Chick tracts, unwanted sermons, and annoying internet spam including one or all of the above. Right?
..Nah, we all know they won't shut the hell up.
I actually agree - there are no logical arguments because faith is not based in logic or reason (and I don't mean that to be insulting to people of faith).
Now if I can just get members of my family to follow this advice, as opposed to the standard "You're going to hell," then maybe visiting home wouldn't be such a pain.
There are no logical arguments that will convince him.
I know you probably meant that as in 'they won't be convinced by logic', but the truth is more that 'you don't have any logical arguments to present'. So your sentence is true.
"Logical arguments can convince, (..,) but they need the power of the Holy Spirit and the willingness of the other person to be effective"
Not to make the logical argument redundant or anything =)
There are no logical arguments to make regarding religion of any kind, they are all appeals to faith.
As such they are doomed to fail because an atheist has no faith in things unproven and unprovable, such as your holy spirit.
Yes, because "Jesus loves you" works as an instant conversion for people who do not believe that Jesus is as significant as you claim him to be.
But, thank you. I love you as Robert Henderson (sauce be upon him) loves you.
Not ideal, kind of annoying, but this is probably the best approach possible, if one *must* go and try to recruit new club members.
Not really all that fundy.
"It must be the work of the Holy Spirit."
But, aren't you the folks who are always talking about doing God's work?
I think this one is pretty tame, especially given what was said earlier in the thread, which was priceless fundie. I got me some submitting to do.
(And after the wife's finished with the strap-on, i'll submit the quote too. Boom! Boom!)
Don't worry ladies, just a joke. I'm still available.
The most impact?
Tell him ...
I dunno, an atheist who has done their research will not be easy to defeat.
Appeals to emotion are blocked automatically, they probably know very well that God is not needed for morality...
Boot them from a portable device and re-write their hard drive yourself.
*on reading the actual post*
Yeah, and most atheists know that emotional appeals are illogical arguments.
We don't want you to 'love' us, we want you to go away if you're going to force religion on us.
"There are no logical arguments that will convince him."
I'm actually glad these people are starting to think this way. They won't bother pushing what they think is 'logic' on everyone else. If they would only WAIT for you to see the light, whether it's done by the holy spirit, or dark matter, or both, I'd be 100% ok with it. I'd say "OK, I'll let you know.." and that would be it.
"I love you as Christ loves you"
i.e., not at all! Fine, I can go with that.
if you have had experience talking to an athiest about god, you would know that we couldnt give a flying fuck about him or your belief in him. nothing you say could convince us because your 'logic' is not our logic. I dont want your love if all you are going to do is harass me about some guy that pretended to be the son of a non-existant god. what would you do if i said i was the daughter of the fsm, come down to save mankind from pathetic preaching and religious tirades? you would accuse me of lying, insanity etc. it is the same thing. you bore me.
[Please, anyone who has experience talking to a Christian about Odin, help me find the correct words to say that will have the most impact on him. Thanks in advance.]
Hon, The only words that will have an impact on him are these: I love you as Thor loves you. Leave it at that. There are no logical arguments that will convince him. It must be the work of the All-Father.
Equally effective post.
Please give me your definition of "Logical Argument" without referring to the bible,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I said what I said because I was a near-atheist for 23 years and no amount of convincing me or preaching to me would have worked. One Christian lady just simply told me she loved me each time I saw her, and I thought it was plenty weird at the time, but I never forgot it either. When my moment of salvation came, I remembered that lady and I realized that it had really been God telling me that He loved me through her all along.
Yes, well, don't be surprised if many of the atheists you say this don't get back to you with the words, "I've seen the light!" From what I've seen, emotional appeals aren't the most convincing way to go when trying to convert atheists. And there is that one question in the back of my mind: Unconditionally or not?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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