Oooh, much better than picspam!
Simplest achievements? Like inventing synthesized cortisone perhaps? Or the gas mask? Or designing engines that could be lubricated while still in operation? Or the radio frequency mass spectrometer? Or LaRC-SI thermoplastic? Or clearing runway fog? That lame shot about college takes on an interesting light when considering how grades compare in Europe, where that supposedly "natural" gap simply doesn't exist and a black scientist can get an unbiased peer review without begging for a personal favour. Ernest Just, a cellular biologist, had a very difficult time getting any of his work done before going abroad for example but once he started working with Europeans in Italy and Germany who actually appreciated his work - celebrated even - he started gaining major recognition. And this was just before the goddamned Nazis came into power, mind you, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't elevate a black man's work out of some sense of political correctness.
Seriously is it so goddamned hard to give people credit when it's due for what they've done instead of trying to say that someone can be better by default even when they're doing the same fucking thing? If at the end of the day you'd tell your white co-worker who met their quota and quality expectations "Good job, earned your pay today. See you tomorrow." then you should be able to say the same to your black co-worker who did the same and not "At least you didn't fuck up today. I can't wait until we hire somebody better that's actually worth what we're paying them. I'm watching you, lazy shit, never forget that."
Interesting you should make fun of where black people live since when Dr. Percy Julian, the man who synthesized cortisone for arthritis treatments and most certainly did not believe in "the evil eye" or get to call himself a doctor to fill a quota, moved to an upscale neighbourhood his home was immediately targeted by arsonists and people who chucked a bomb into his children's bedroom. Now what kind of scumbag thugs would do that to a famous doctor? Oh, right, rich white people that's who. Though that changed when a community group realized that nearly murdering children with dynamite because you want the n*gger to move out makes you kind of a monster and dragged everyone down by association.
The AIDS situation comes from churches deliberately blocking information about how it spreads, wanting people to turn their wrath on homosexuals and dumbing it down to the simplest terms possible. It's the same message about STD's (and sex in general) kids get in Texas: Don't have sex unless it's with a virgin and you won't get it. Hell they even phrase it as the "cure" for HIV. Only it's taken to a ludicrous extreme and expounded on even less with absolutely no educational alternatives. Nice touch, by the way, throwing in a bullshit line about babies as if even the most war plagued or ass-backwards shithole in Africa actually considers that acceptable. You'd get along great with some of our incels.
Harmony does not emerge from creating a designated bully and giving them absolute impunity while punishing others. Creating a system where no matter how hard you work it will NEVER pay off by design doesn't create a stable peace so much as a ticking time bomb filled with nitroglycerine and every time you draw attention to the fact you're not going to let even the most exceptional individual have anything more than the scraps from your table (which you will shame them for in the process) it gives that bomb a swift kick. Look at every revolution in history for the proof of that. You certainly wouldn't sit quietly in that kind of system. Heck, just look at your own bitching right now and that's when people simply catch up and stand on equal footing. Racists go apeshit when a black guy gets promoted above them and convince themselves they're better than they could ever be. They never accept that it's their own limitations that lose them a job. And yet they expect everyone else to always do the opposite just barely clinging to life taking whatever abuse comes their way, forever. What a joke.