The Christian mind is an open mind. Christians entertain all the following theories:
-Young earth creationism
-Gap (old earth) creationism
-Progressive creationism
-Theistic evolution
-Intelligent design
The atheist entertains
-atheistic evolution.
Conclusion. The atheistic mind is a closed mind, a constrained mind.
As we don't have any creed or dogma to follow, atheists would seem to be to most open-minded.
Remember, being open-minded only involves considering ideas, not accepting them. As an atheist, I've considered the assertions of many religions, but I've determined that most of them are crap and the one's that are not crap do not require adoption of a religion to be useful.
Well, why stop there. Add the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, Alien Abductions, Ghosts, Psychic Powers, Healing Crystals, Ley-Lines, Atlantis, Astrology and Fairies at the bottom of the smegging garden.
Go on, be open minded...
Should anybody explain to her that the repertoire she mentions lists some facts which are mutually exclusive?, moreover, that they do so because there are different branches which hold different views?, that evolution is science?
OK, I'm a little confused here, does this make the Christian mind a sieve or a piece of Swiss cheese?
Are you aware all those "theories" (supposition) in the top list not only happen to contradict each other, but are all wrong?
You were doing so well up until the last bit. Also, 'conventional evolution' would be a better phrase for that last item, as it's not so emotionally loaded. Even some Christians would see no problem with conventional evolution, viewing it as simply a natural process, and no more or less of a reflection on God than any other natural process.
3'd for that last part.
Edit: v----YEC and OEC can't coincide. However, Answers in Creation is a Progressive OEC site that states that Theistic Evolution isn't necessarily heretical, even if he disagrees with TE
A fool with five rocks believes himself wealthier than the man with a single diamond.
[/old wise man]
To be fair, I'm not against the idea of theistic evolution; the only difference between that and "atheistic" (wtf?) evolution is that the theistic version entails the direction of seemingly random cosmic events by a higher power.
Why don't throw in the muslim theories as well, I know they aren't christian but if they are so open minded maybe they would accept some of them. Good, Goods,...
No TRUE Christian would believe in Old Earth Creationism, Progressive Creationism, or Theistic Evolution. See? The narrow Atheistic worldview has already turned you from the true word of the Lord!!!!!!1
Not really the most Fundy, but the comment on the closed atheistic mind does qualify it as at least minimally so.
Besides, he has a bit of a point. The wide, wide spectrum of Christianity believes everything from the literal account of Genesis to modern evolutionary theory. The spectrum of atheism isn't nearly as broad in that respect.
Fundies are soooooooo cute when they attempt to use reason and logic to defend their screwed up beliefs. Alas, fundies and reasoning go together like coyotes and anvils.
1 YEC, OEC, Progressive creationism, TE and ID are not theories, they are religious dogma.
2 There is no such thing as "atheistic evolution" as evolution is science and atheism is irrelevent to the evidence.
3 A reasoning mind is open to all new evidence a fundie mind is forever closed at war with reality.
Theistic evolution
I personally believe in that one - I don't really give a shit if you believe in the literal interpretation of Genesis; so long as you don't teach as fact in schools.
Also, what on earth is 'Progressive Creationism'? o.O nd wouldn't 'Intelligent Design' sort of encompass all of those things?
Yes, because I refuse to believe in stuff that is clearly complete nonsense, unlike you.
Young earth creationism and old earth creationism are both complete nonsense, Intelligent design is basically creationism wearing a suit and tie, I dunoo wtf "Progressive creationism" is.
Theistic evolution is non-retarded, although I don't agree with it, at least it doesn't try to sweep science under the rug.
Also, the opinions of Christians as a whole range over that range, but each individual holds only one position and they will argue against all the others and refuse to change their minds.
But also, unlike you, if somebody proves me wrong, I'll admit I was wrong. That is the definition of open minded.
Young Earth Creationism is as closed minded as you can get. Old Earth and Progressive just say that that God originally fucked up creation and keeps making mistakes, which destroys the idea of a perfect infalliable being. Athiests are okay with thiestic evolution and intellegent desing in YEC in cognito.
And let's not forget the two different forms of evolution: gradulaism and punctuated equilibrium.
Christians entertain all the following theories:
But you won't find any one Christian who will entertain all, or even two, of those theories. Each Christian believes one or the other and insists anyone who disagrees with him is going to hell. And you will find very few fundamentalist Christians who will accept "intelligent design" or "theistic evolution" if they actually understand them.
Since some of those are mutually exclusive, you must be referring to more than one Christian. Therefore, no one Christian believes all of those. So it would most likely be that each Christian, like each atheist, picks one single theory to believe, thus making you people no more open minded than any atheist.
Atheists don't believe in evolution, we belive in the scientific method. If ever indications of an intelligent designer comes along, you'll know.
Just don't hold your breath.
Or by all means, do. Your brain uses 1/4 of he oxygen you consume, and that is serious waste of good O2.
So you have a choice of 5 ways that GODDITIT which are mutually exclusive and have no real evidence for the GODDITIT part.
You are espousing something that is quintuplethink.
"By George" that is amazing!
You are not describing an open mind - you are describing a very well controlled mind! Your pastor will be on the telescreen in a few minutes - hurry or you will find yourself in room 101 where you will have the basics hammered back into you!
Feel that Miniluv!
1: all those theories you just mentioned there are pseudoscience or normal science with 'goddidit' added.
2: there's no such thing as atheistic evolution. it's just evolution.
3: atheists also are interested in, say, every other field of science that does not concern proving your pseudoscience.
From AIG's "Statement of Faith":
"By definition, no apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record. "
Please explain how rejecting any and all evidence that contradicts your obstinately held viewpoint qualifies as being "open minded". Just so you know, that's the very definition of being "closed-minded".
"Christians entertain all the following theories:"
Anyone that considers those "theories" obviously doesn't know what the scientific definition of the word "theory" is.
Your post very clearly shows you have no clue what the definition of "open-minded" is.
"Theistic evolution" says some god did it using evolution.
Which god? Just yours, or any god? How do you know? The Flying Spaghetti Monster creation myth is just as valid and has just as much evidence as your god's creation myth.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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