So many people today ignorantly tout Martin Luther as the great reformer of the "faith only" movement; but, in reality, Luther was a heretic who fathered the Baptismal Regeneration movement. Luther is tragically burning in Hell. The damnable Martin Luther deception has caused Christians around the world to remain silent concerning the evils of the Lutheran religion. Lutheranism is of the Devil.
Really? If it wasn't for Martin Luther, the Bible would still be in Latin (if I recall); the priests could essentially say anything about it, and the church-going sheep would take it as the gospel truth.
So, no change there.
@LordJiro: Yeah, he translated the Bible and advocated personal interpretation, believing good works were not needed to get into Paradise.
I guess it would be great for organized religion if that hadn't happened.
So catholics and protestants are in hell, but you're a christian.
Are you an Orthodox, or did you actually begin a TRUE Christianism cult?
Fundie # 1: I am a True Christian (TM)- you're gonna burn in Hell!
Fundie # 2: No, I am the True Christian (TM)- you're gonna burn in hell!
Fundie # 1: Well, my Sky Daddy can kick your Sky Daddy's butt!
Fundie # 2: Well, my Sky Daddy has a bigger pee-pee than your Sky Daddy!
Hmm... where have I heard this style of argument before?
Oh yeah- 6-year olds argue like this.
Baptist fundies like Jack Chick et. al. consistently confuse what is necessary for salvation with what is sufficient for salvation. They argue with Catholics and others sects that engage in infant baptism as if those sects believe baptism is sufficient for salvation. But no Christian sect claims baptism alone will save someone. The scripture says "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved". Both conditions are necessary, and all Christians I'm aware of recognize that. Baptists combine the two at the age of reason. Catholics, for example, do the baptism at birth and then have a separate process (confirmation) at the age of reason. Scripture doesn't say both have to be done at the same time. That's a human interpretation on which different sects of Christians disagree.
I am sure almost 500 years of history could dispel this drivel, if you'd just, oh, I don't a bit of reading?
We're looking at someone who thinks religion and church are distinct entities--with religion being the corruption of church. I get the feeling that, apart from his own order (I wish I could remember what it's called, or who his mentor was; I only remember that the mentor's son was quite the moral wastrel), he thinks only nondenominational Christians are fit for Heaven.
On the other hand, in decrying Judaism as Satanic (!), he goes so far as to say that Abraham and David trusted in the Messiah. That is, that Abraham and David were actually Christians.
Andras and Agares must be having a field day with everything that site intends to instill.
ETA: Okay, First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, founded by Dr. Jack Hyles. Remember that this lot thinks that Baptists did NOT originally come from Protestants, but were (if I'm reading this right) contemporaneous and even preceding Catholics. q.v. John the Baptist, apparently.
David, you know people go to hell for lying. You think Luther is burning in hell, where the fuck are you going for lying about a religion's beliefs? Lutheran ministers forgiving sins? Lutherans worshipping Mary? Having relatives who are Lutheran ministers and having often attended Lutheran services I can safely say that a pygmy in the jungle knows as much about the Lutheran Service and beliefs as you do.
Hey Dave, if it wasn't for Luther you'd probably be one of the demonic, Mary worshiping, pagan Papists you hate so much!
Wow. A religious nut who thinks his specific sect is the only group of 'true believers.'
How progressive, enthralling, and new!
It's true, Martin Luther probably did more to undermine the Christian faith than anybody.
Because once Catholicism had a competitor in the Christianity business, it started dawning on folks that BOTH of them might be wrong.
Luther's antisemitism is more troubling than whatever the hell reason Stewart gives.
Lutheranism is of the Devil, but that is due to Tuna-Noodle hotdish.
The Catholic Church needed a kick in the butt and Luther delivered it to them. If he hadn't, Mr. Dave Stewart might have found himself being roasted as a heretic.
Come to think of it, there would be an upside if the Catholic church hadn't reformed...
Oh and Dave's belief system descended via Luther so he's insulting the origins of his own faith. Dave is an idiot, insert usual disbelief at stupidity here along with a plea made in vein for him to go pick up a history book.
Yes... the number one threat to TRUE Christianity is... Lutherans! Potluck dinners are meant to ensnare us all in a fit of damnable gluttony.
If only there were some sort of papal indulgence I could purchase to expunge that sin.
I don't get Christian fundies. It seems that they all are mostly alike, except when it comes to who they think is burning in Hell.
They all agree that non-Christians are burning, but they also think that all that don't belong to their branch of Christianity are as well.
Those Christians aren't Christian! My sect is the one true sect of ~26,000! All the rest of them are with the Debbil! All 25,999 other sects!
...And this doesn't even take into account Islam and its various factions, or Judaism, or any number of One True Religions.
I'll stick to my secular humanism, thanks.
Davey, Davey, Davey. Just shut up and go back to wanking over pictures of little kids.
On second thoughts, don't. Go drown yourself instead.
We don´t care. If things are the way you tell them, we´ll go to Hell, certainly, but we´ll be no short of company.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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