Evil IS the christian position.
Banish, condemn, flood, destroy, kill, genocide, kill animals because god likes the smell of their corpses burning, smite, rape, slaughter non-combatants including the elderly/women/children, betrayal, infanticide, encouragement of matricide/patricide, lies, deception, unfair judgement, slavery, imprisonment, murder, segregation, misogyny, intolerance, racism, jealousy, anger, rage, revenge, taunting, power-abuse, self-abuse, suffering needlessly, starvation, beatings, cannibalism, self-mutilation, church ordained mutilation of sexual organs, suppression of natural bodily urges, opulence while others die poor, molestation, pedophiles, incest, false hope, misleading words, invasions, idol worship, senseless destruction of animals not for food but to flex muscle, theft, coercion, polygamy, and coprophagia just to name A LOT!