global warming drivel --- Their drivel is authoritarian not authoritative.
The Gov. workers that claim to be scientists are predicting year 2020 and 2050 and that way it can't be refuted. They use their computor models as generators of facts. All the stupid computors do is process assumptions dumped into the computor.
Weathermen can't go out over 7 days but these think they can 50 years.
Now the agenda.
The world hates industrialized America. If the tree hugger agenda can convince the UN, then they can pursue control of our free enterprise and prosperity.
The global warming agenda is perfect for secular progressive politicians.
As we see the globe warming as claimed, the Sahara desert will become a much more tropical rain forrest. Keep an eye on the Sahara.
First, there is a difference between "weather" and "climate." Weather is what is going on outside your window right now. The temperature right now. The rainfall right now. Climate, on the other hand, is general trends in broad categories of environmental states. The temperature averages over decades. The rainfall averages over centuries. These are climate, and climate can be charted, observed, graphed, and predicted based on facts and empirical data.
Secondly, global warming does not create precipatit ecosystems. Global warming has a drying tendency over climate, therefore the Sahara desert's spread would increase under global warning, not transform into a tropical rainforrest. The Sahara desert is the product of a flat landform subjected to centuries upon centuries of wind, sun, and deforestation, both from natural and human caused desertification.
I think you need to go back to High Schoo Science class, I don't think you were paying attention. Politicizing global climate change is just fucking stupid.
If the tree hugger agenda can convince the UN, then they can pursue control of our free enterprise and prosperity.
How does this figure? Lowering CO2 emissions has nothing to do with controlling free enterprise. Taking lead out of gasoline and requiring air pollution controls on cars didn't destroy America. All change creates winners and losers, and the potential losers always gripe and try to stop the change. This is no different.
As we see the globe warming as claimed, the Sahara desert will become a much more tropical rain forrest.
Who says? Actually, we need to keep an eye on the Greenland glaciers. If they melt and dump a lot of fresh water into the Atlantic, they have the potential to shift the Gulf Stream, with disasterous results for the eastern US and the UK.
Yeah! Stupid weathermen can't predict a week in advance, yet they think I'll buy there dumb-f*** arguments that it'll be a lot warmer six months from now! Once we've shut these America-hating secularists up about GW, we can tell them to stick their stupid, made-up 'summer' in their floppy-holes too!
What's more they're all at it! Some secular A-hole tried to tell me not to park my car on the beach because 'the tide was coming in'. Yeah, right! I asked him how high the next five waves were gonna be and he couldn't tell me! Busted!
Of course, when I came back several hours later, my car was gone! Which just shows how evil these people are!
I like how in An Inconvenient Truth, he showed how different scientists predicted different outcomes, producing a best-case and worst-case scenario, and how the weather pattern indeed fit nicely between the two.
Scientists can be astounding at times.
But yes, it's bad enough when they're deliberately ignorant about, say Terri Schiavo and evolution. Then the worst-case scenario is we have to spend a fortune fighting them. But global warming? When the outcome is lives lost, not ignorant children or a girl staying a vegetable?
Inexcusable arrogant ignorance.
Oh yes, it's all about America, isn't it? Everybody hates this country because we're so goddamned special. Despite your paranoid fantasies, nobody wants to wreck the U.S. economy. It isn't some big plot by the "treehuggers". It's a legitimate concern for the planet, and the recognition that changes need to be made everywhere to see that things don't get wrecked completely. Now take the tinfoil off your head and try again.
So who is it, the weathermen? the UN? the world? the secular progressive politicians? the tree huggers?
They're out to get you man! It is an evil conspiracy, they know YOU wrote this...they are watching you.
Um, the Sahara desert has been expanding over the past few centuries, dumbfuck.
And furthermore, environmental law has not one goddamned thing to do with eliminating capitalism/free enterprise.
Stop sniffing glue and go back to high school.
Weathermen can't go out over 7 days but these think they can 50 years.
Let me spell this out once again for you, coadie, but for mine I'll use an analogy:
I don't know whether the next time I flip a coin it'll come up heads or tails. I have no ability to predict that. However, I am fairly comfortable in my prediction that if I flip a coin 1000 times, it'll come out pretty close to 50/50. Mysterious!
"but these think they can 50 years. "
There's a fair point in here in that I doubt that humanity can accurately predict what life will be like in 50 years' time
However, this doesn't make global warming not real.
Weathermen can't go out over 7 days ...
7 days? The weather guessers around here can't say what this afternoon will bring. Southern California - all they'd have to do is say "Sunny and warm" and be right 90% of the time, but oh no, they rely on all their expensive electronic equipment and hit less than 50. Otherwise, it wouldn't be entertainment, which is much more important.
Ok, first off, you're skeptical about vague promises of things to come in the relatively near future? You of the death cult who constantly predicts the end is nigh? God fuck yourself.
Two, the US is a post-industrial nation fuck nut. If you want to lament the loss of industry then blame your rich republican buddies who wave the flag with one hand and send jobs from their companies to other countries with the other.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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