The theory of evolution is just that, a theory. It has not been proved and it never will be. There is no need to investigate this topic using "science" when it is clearly answered in Genesis. Furthermore, science is a manifestation of the devil fabricated to undermine God and his beautiful gift to all mankind. My advice to you my Christian brother is: Love your god and your country in that order and never doubt the decisions of either.
Never doubt the decisions of your country.
Hear that fundies? You can shut up about things like abortions, gay marriages and such.
Your country has decided that evolution is the truth and they teach it in their schools...oops. Guess you failed in that.
And they wonder why we speak up when the lines of church and state get blurred?
Wow, this devil character sounds like a great guy. He brought knowledge, logical thought, and empirical evidence to mankind. Since this undermines your god one would therefore assume your god wants to keep man stupid, ignorant, and living in primitive conditions.
I think you're worsipping the wrong supernatural character there.
Complete misunderstanding of the scientific meaning of theory, followed by a literal interpretation of the Genesis, topped with a taliban brand anti-scientific sentiment and blind nationalism. I'd cry Poe if it weren't the fact that this tripe came from Conservapedia.
"The theory of evolution is just that , a theory."
Just like gravity or magnetism.
"It has not been proved and it never will be."
The word theory doesn't mean what you think it means.
"Furthermore, science is a manifestation of the devil fabricated to undermine God and his beautiful gift to all mankind."
This has to be the fundie money quote of all time.
Love your god and your country in that order and never doubt the decisions of either.
That's called fascism, not conservatism.
The myth of genesis is just that, a myth. It has not been proved and never will be. There is no need to investigate this topic using "science", whether you call it scientific creationism, ID or a purple giraffe. Furthermore genesis is a manifestation of human ignorance that prevents the development of technology that benefits mankind. My advice to you is: Until you can build a computer using instruction in the bible, stay off the internet.
science is a manifestation of the devil fabricated to undermine God and his beautiful gift to all mankind.
Then please go live in a cave, and ask your god to intelligently design you some food and clothing.
Or at least get off the internet, before you catch da evil gay
Bart2461 Mussolini!
Fundie Blackshirts will hammer on the door of every atheist, deist, agnostic, Jew, Muslim, Liberal Christian, Pagan, etc. for treason!
Seriously. American Conservatives are Quasi-Fascists, and American Liberals are wimpy fiscal center-rightists.
"The theory of evolution is just that, a theory."
Buy a fucking dictionary you scientifically illiterate prig.
"It has not been proved and it never will be."
Neither has nor will gravity. Science doesn't work with absolutes.
"There is no need to investigate this topic using "science" when it is clearly answered in Genesis."
Reality is my God and my God disagrees with your mythology. Since my God can be shown to exist I'll go by what it states is true over what your Babble states.
"Furthermore, science is a manifestation of the devil fabricated to undermine God and his beautiful gift to all mankind."
Give away all your possessions and live in a cave. Using anything other than primitive stone age technology is a obviously Satanic.
"My advice to you my Christian brother is: Love your god and your country in that order and never doubt the decisions of either."
Not doubting, questioning or otherwise thinking for yourself when your "god" or your country says something is a very dangerous thing indeed.
You obviously have no clue what theory is or how it is applied.
If you have such issues with science, I hope you never see a doctor, eat a frozen or canned meal, use a telephone, computer, television, ipod, radio, stereo, car, bus, or train. I hope you never take an aspirin and instead use leaches to cure all your ills. I hope you grow all your own food and strangle all your personally owned chickens hours before dinner. I hope you don't wear glasses, go to the dentist, never had braces or brushed your teeth with toothpaste. I am sure since science is non existent and irrelevant, you have a wood burning stove to heat your house and a well in the back yard for water.
You're a sad, sad, sad fundie.
"The theory of evolution is just that, a theory. It has not been proved and it never will be. There is no need to investigate this topic using "science" when it is clearly answered in Genesis. Furthermore, science is a manifestation of the devil fabricated to undermine God and his beautiful gift to all mankind. My advice to you my Christian brother is: Love your god and your country in that order and never doubt the decisions of either."
Only a 4.94 with 33 votes? It really doesn't get much fundier than this, people. I'd have thought it rated a 4.99999, myself.
~David D.G.
You can believe me, I'm an ordained clergyman.
I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.
Your check is in the mail.
Translation - Ignore the man behind the curtain.
@ David D.G.
I save my 5's for people who actually scare the shit out of me. Therefore it only goes to people who are in a position of authority, or sound like they're about to grab an M-16 (no true christian would use an AK-47) and start 'cleansing' the earth. I'm very picky on who gets it.
The rest of my rating list goes:
4 - Fundie idiot
3 - Same old fundie shit
2 - Fundie, but somewhat rational
1 - What the hell is this doing here
This one got a 4
What beautiful gift? The whole creating us to be as retarded as could be, punishing us for getting smart enough to make clothes, drowning everyone because they had lives instead of worshipping nonstop every day, and then just kind of taking off for good after a plan to 'forgive' us for his stupidity so complicated that Light Yagami would ask how the hell it was supposed to work?
"The theory of evolution is just that, a theory. It has not been proved and it never will be. There is no need to investigate this topic using "science" when it is clearly answered in Genesis. Furthermore, science is a manifestation of the devil fabricated to undermine God and his beautiful gift to all mankind. My advice to you my Christian brother is: Love your god and your country in that order and never doubt the decisions of either. "
As you well know (or maybe you're just an a**hole,) This includes the decisions of our current President, Mr. Obama.
Failure to understand the word "theory", I see. It has to be proven in order to become a theory, stoopid!
Nothing is answered in Genesis, not even "what came first, the animals or Adam?"
Love thy neighbor as yourself, Barty.
A theory in science isn't some made up shit that has no evidence to back it up. That would be the Bible. When something in science becomes a theory it means that it has a lot of evidence behind it and the scientists are almost certain that this is how things happen. Your fairy tale is just a load opf garbage with no evidence to back it up, so shut up.
You need to investigate the meaning of the word scientific theory, Barty.
I can't say that I've read the whole Genesis, but I don't remember any explanation about the diversification of life in there.
"never doubt the decisions of either"? So, you're a-OK with everything that Mr Obama is doing, right?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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