The gay lobby has been increasingly influential over the Mormon Church, such that by 2015 pro-homosexual agenda legislation began to pass easily in Utah.
"the LSD church"
Beware of bad trips.
Again, as much as you extremists try to pretend most people agree with you, it's just one of your delusions.
You'll know where and when you're in charge, everybody will be as fearful and misreable as you.
Oh Andy! You stupid lump. Who provided all the funding to defeat Proposition 8, the same-sex legislation they had on the ballot in California? The Mormons.
The only reasons they're keeping a low profile while Utah recognizes they can't keep rights from people is:
1. The Romney campaign revealed all kinds of interesting things about the Mormons (Magic Underwear, polygamy, position on black people, women and native Americans, etc) making them look like real 17th century knuckle draggers; and
2. Funding for one of the most thuggish, regressive, stunned movement ever: the anti-Proposition 8 mob.
Homosexual agenda:
1. Get equal rights.
2. Dismantle all family institutions, start the Day of the Lavender Jackboot, stage a coup d'état in all countries of the world, install purely gay governments everywhere, and replace all flags with the rainbow banner.*
* This step has been postponed until after the heat death of the universe
Yes, lay off the "Bath Salts", it's tainting your tears....which I am drinking with relish!
Try a simple, nice joint to mellow you out, man!
.....about all that stuff about "Gay Lavender Nazis", all I can think of is.....kinky!
I'm imagining a bunch FAAAAABBULOUS, pro-LGBT psueudo-Nazis in those sharp, snazzy, bondage-a-licious SS-inspired uniforms...colored lavender & pink with rainbow accents...sauntering down the street.
They're all really hot...The thebans resemble both pretty bishie twinks & hunky (but still pretty) CK models. The lesbians are mostly lipsticks & chapsticks with a few hard-butch gals. The uniforms are stylized even more with some sexy, bondage-y, rock star, leather/spandex/PVC elements. The femmy thebans added ruffles & scarves.
I think the pro-LGBTA movement should reclaim the "flamers" and see them as an asset rather than a curse. I think "flamers" are really cool. People need to accept femme-guys & masculine gals.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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