Mack Major #fundie

There's a difference between being assertive as a man - and being thirsty. There's a difference between being confident and being cocky.

But in today's anti-male/anti-masculinity climate it's difficult just being a man without having to squeeze into some tight pants, raising your voice to a higher pitch while simultaneously handing over your testicles to the nearest feminist.

Don't be fooled by this fake manufactured #MeToo movement stuff. Masculinity was created by God - and it ain't never going out of style! Real women still champion masculinity—nothing less, nothing more.

But if you're going to survive this Jezebelic anti-male witchcraft movement that's sweeping across America while keeping your manhood in tact, you'll need the right tools to provide wisdom for these changing times.

Get a copy of the ebook POWER - and don't be moved by the fake onslaught against real men. If you have young sons or nephews growing up without a father around, or a guy you know who's currently in college (especially if they're in college); they need a copy of this ebook ASAP.

Going without it could very well ruin their lives. There are women out here nowadays looking for men to have consensual relations with, just to later cry sexual assault and harassment for the attention. Don't let it happen to you! Know what to do in order to possess yourself with honor. Get POWER!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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