Homosexual bigots picket churches and vow retaliation after losing the marriage vote in California.[8] Thanks for demonstrating how the homosexual agenda threatens basic freedoms, like free speech and voting.
"This Mormon church has just taken away one of our fundamental rights, and shown itself to be a nasty church with bigoted beliefs," said John London, a student from West Hollywood, at an equality protest last week. "So when Brandon Flowers, or David Archuleta or any of its other celebrity members show up in a gay neighbourhood, they should know how we feel."
(From the news article .)
Ooh, very scary. How evil of them.
You people don't even realise what you've done, do you? That's what makes me so fucking angry.
Get fucked by a crooked spike, you fundie bitches.
Homosexual bigots picket churches...
Since you guys were the ones fearmongering the thing, and pushing for it, I don't see it as unreasonable.
...and vow retaliation after losing the marriage vote in California.[8]
Uhmmm...the worst I've heard is people threatening to challenge it in court. Legally. However, when you strip people of fundamental human rights, I can't blame them for doing an irrational thing or two, either.
Thanks for demonstrating how the homosexual agenda threatens basic freedoms, like free speech and voting.
And thank you for proving to us that you guys will take every step possible to maintain a stranglehold over a group you wish to keep as your own personal Bogeymen and will ignore the fact that what they do will not affect you at all in any way, let alone adversely.
Thanks for wearing your idiotic biases on your sleeve. Picketing is free speech in of itself, and does not interfere with anyone else's free speech, nor does it interfere with bigot's abilities to vote. So...shut up.
Homosexual bigot.
Jumbo shrimp.
Guest host.
Of course. Silly me.
Actually, that's freedom of speech in action, and nobody's votes were threatened. On the other hand, pushing through legislation three-fourths by one lone group who barely even is represented in that state...that's pretty undemocractic.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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