MinisterTony #fundie
(After the previous poster stated her children went to public school and are fine.)
1. Were your children sexually touched by a teacher or other students? If no, you were LUCKY, because these days many kids are being introduced to sex and being sexually molested at school by other kids and even sometimes teachers. You cannot trust a young child to be safe in schools.
2. Are your children devout Christians today who sincerely and truly love Jesus and want to serve Jesus? Yes or No?
3. Children are very open and impressionable and teachable at young age, and they will become conditioned, programmed and even brainwashed to believe whatever they are being exposed to the most. So having your child around teachers and students who are unbelievers in Christ and following the world, wiccan, new age, antichristian beliefs, will influence your child immensely and may make or break your child in growing up to love Jesus or follow another path.
4. Jesus set a good example. Spend most of your time surrounded by like minded people, believers. And only spend a little time around unbelievers.
2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
5. Only mature Christians should spend a lot of time around unbelievers, when they are sharing the good news about Jesus or helping those in need. Sending a young child to an atheist/agnostic/wiccan/new age environment is not only dangerous, it's very likely to have a life long affect on that child's beliefs about Jesus. Children are being PROGRAMMED, and are not in a position to teach other children about Jesus, because sadly, there is more darkness in schools than there is light.
No Christian parent should ever send their child to school, it's too risky, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. If they are not getting bullied, or sexually molested, they are being programmed and brainwashed with sexuality, body image, Darwinism and Atheism and Witchcraft and Harry Potter Sorcery!