
Alison Chabloz #fundie alisonchabloz.wordpress.com

[Robert Faurisson was a French Holocaust denier to whom the racist French artiste Dieudonné gave an award]

November has been a dark month for freedom. Indeed, the recent deadly attacks in Paris have served to overshadow several ever-more ghastly attempts by Zionist organisations to stifle freedom of expression. Worst of all, this assault on our most precious of human rights – to be allowed to think for ourselves – is supported by nation states defined as secular western liberal democracies.

Freedom of expression is the well-spring of democracy yet this month we’ve seen state prosecutions lead to jail sentences in three of the world’s supposedly most-developed countries : Ursula Haverbeck in Germany, Arthur Topham in Canada and now a Belgian court has sentenced French comedian Dieudonné to two months in prison for ‘anti-Semitic’ jokes he made during a show in 2012.

I’ve been following Dieudonné since the Anelka incident. In January, just after the Charlie Hebdo attacks, I went to see his show ‘La bête immonde’ in Lausanne. There is no doubt in my mind that the man is a genius. No amateur of French language and culture could deny the immensity of his writing talent. Despite a notable lack of any balanced commentary from French and global mainstream media, his greatness is what makes him France’s most successful comedian. He is indisputably the best by miles.

Twice in the space of a fortnight, world Jewry’s public enemy n° 1 stand-up comedian has been again the subject of rigid press releases citing past convictions meant to impress the reader after the ECHR’s decision not to accept Dieudonné’s appeal concerning Professor Robert Faurisson’s fictive Prize for Infrequentability and Insolence.

By claiming that Faurisson’s appearance was not part of the show itself, the ECHR has effectively validated Faurisson’s prize – making it a reality rather than just a provocative ending to a comedy show in a theatre. The prize should become an annual event, Le Trophée Faurisson, pourquoi pas?

Alison Chabloz #racist alisonchabloz.wordpress.com

One item of news this past week in the Jewish Chronicle and on ITV was the announcement that David Cameron’s Holocaust Memorial Foundation has commissioned a Bafta-winning film company to record the testimonies of Jewish survivors who escaped to Britain during or after WW2.

September 2013, David Cameron announced the creation of a ‘cross party’ Holocaust Commission whose job it would be to deliver recommendations on “ what more needs to be done to ensure Britain has a permanent and fitting memorial and the educational resources needed for generations to come.” The Commission is chaired by Britain’s most powerful Jew and – as befittingly titled by the Jewish Chronicle -‘boss in town’ Mick ‘miner’ Davis, and declares to provide as part of its mission

factual information about what happened, linked to other resources which already provide critical information and education

and to convey

the enormity of the Holocaust and its impact; in particular the loss to mankind of the destruction of European Jewry

— whatever that means.


Press treatment of Dieudonné in France bears several extraordinary similarities to that meted out in the UK towards Jeremy Corbyn: accusations of anti-Semitism (when the ‘offence’ is in fact anti-Zionism) and allegations of being an apologist for ‘terrorism’ abound in regard to both men. As with the French (and now international) press’ attitude towards Dieudonné, UK pundits’ muckraking on the subject of Corbyn and his supporters is rather like watching a re-enactment of parts of the New Testament, coordinated amongst others by The Guardian’s Jonathan Freeland, The Times’ Oliver Kamm and the Jewish Chronicle’s Stephen Pollard.


With Blairites like Kamm and Freedland on board, UK mainstream media’s CrucifyCorbyn™ campaign thinks it can go ahead full steam, seemingly ignorant of the fact that its MO is now completely transparent to a general public more aware than ever before, mainly thanks to the Internet and sharing of information via modern pioneers such as Dieudonné, Gilad Atzmon and David Icke.

As expected, press double standards will persist and a new, totally unnecessary and hideously expensive Holocaust education centre will be inaugurated to the sound of mass weeping, inappropriate use of non-factual evidence by journalists and pathos gushing forth from TV presenters in order to ensure that nice fat pay check keeps on coming.

Once the centre is open, government funding will no doubt be available to subsidise school trips. I imagine there’ll be a coffee area and gift shop selling books and mass-produced memorabilia. Would it be worth the Holocaust Commission considering the possibility of a ‘Holocaust revisionism‘ section either inside the centre itself or, discreetly, on a lower shelf in the gift shop book section (perhaps next to the new edition of Anne Frank’s Diary now Anne & Otto Frank and possibly several other people’s Diary?) After all, revisionism is a booming online grassroots industry and, as we all know, there’s no business like Shoah business.

TREVORLABONTE #racist alisonchabloz.wordpress.com

I support you totally, but I also urge you to study historical revisionism. For instance, it is incorrect that millions of jews died in Hitler’s camps. The International Red Cross reported the total deaths, jewish and non-Jewish, to be 270,301. These deaths were due to starvation and disease which actually resulted from Allied bombing of the railroads, not German atrocities. Also, no serious historian should refer to Germany as “Nazis,” that is a jewish-created epithet which was never used by Germans, and it is unfit to use in serious discourse. The Germans were fighting the greatest criminals of all time, the jewish Bolsheviks, who mercilessly slaughtered about 100 million Russian and Eastern European Christians. The gas chamber stories are a tall tale, based only on “eyewitness” accounts from the Nuremberg show trial. I am an American, and I have swallowed the bitter pill that the mainstream WW II narrative is a preposterous fable and a cover-up of the greatest crime in world history, and I am better for it. I admit our grandfathers were only footsoldiers of the Rothschild cabal. So I just wanted to gently suggest to you that you take another look at what we all once thought we knew.
But regardless of whether you agree with these things, I still support you 100%. I have had the jews on my ass for the last four years, they attacked me heavily for saying that Israel was behind 9/11 and the totally fraudulent and downright demonic “War on Terror.” I am a jazz musician in Austin, Texas. I was able to use the hate campaign against me as a springboard to higher levels within the global truth community. I play jazz with Gilad Atzmon (a personal friend), I report for Iran Press TV, I co-edit The Ugly Truth blog, I do lots of interviews and podcasts, and am very active on social media like you. Anyway good luck and much love to you, sister.

Alison Chabloz #conspiracy alisonchabloz.wordpress.com

Do I believe in a Flat Earth? I don’t know. The evidence suggesting that’s the case is nevertheless quite convincing. Even more convincing is that Nuremberg was merely a continuation of war propaganda, and that neither an order to exterminate the Jews nor homicidal gas chambers ever existed: all easily verified fact.


Broadcasters of mainstream ideas are the same people who create fictional entertainment. Think about it: our fake monetary system; endless wars which create debt in our so-called secular liberal western democracies; aeroplanes which disappear from radar in the southern hemisphere; ever taller sky-scrapers with no floors posed as radio masts? Can governments be trusted to tell us the truth about anything?