
christian anti-masturbation fundies #fundie baptistsforbrown2008.wordpress.com

1 out of 5 masturbators will become registered sex offenders.2 out of 5 will engage in beastality.

2 out of every 3 men who masturbate will engage in a long term homo-sexual relationship and practice incest.

2 of the same 3 men will commit suicide. All of them will burn in Hell for their sins.

90% of all men who masturbate will have one or more STD’s in their life. 53% will die from a sexually related disease.

Repeated masturbation will lead to penile dysfunction, spinal injury, and prostate cancer.

67% of men who masturbate will become addicted to pornography, lose their jobs and families, and develop a severe depression.

Democrats practice self-abuse 10 times more often than Republicans due to their lack of morals.

The Lord makes his stance on Masturbation very clear: Leviticus 26:16

“I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning argue, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: should ye shall spill your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it”


It’s OK to masturbate if you are looking at Playboy or thinking about your girlfriend. What they don’t know won’t hurt them.It’s normal for young men to masturbate together or experiment sexually.

Masturbating is a safe, non-infectious way to relieve sexual tension.

There is no risk involved whatsoever.

The more you masturbate the better you become at controlling your orgasm when making love.

If it feels good do it.

Self gratification is an expression of one’s self.

Creative and successful people masturbate frequently.

From a lying, secular 20th-century medical perspective:

“I can assure you that this activity in no way affects mental or physical health.” — Dr. Peter Gott, nationally syndicated medical columnist, August 12, 1997.

Mike Shananhan #fundie baptistsforbrown2008.wordpress.com

“I was a third generation masturbator. My grandfather taught my father and he taught me. At an early age I was told that it was OK to beat my monkey. In fact, I was encouraged by my father to have contests with him and my brother to see who could do it the most often and the fastest. This continued all through my young adult and early married life.

Up until one year ago I was masturbating a minimum of three times a day. I did it at the office, in the car, at the health club. There weren’t many places I didn’t do it.

When my son was born I masturbated just thinking about the day I could introduce him to masturbating.

All I thought about was when I could get away somewhere private and abuse myself. Then someone at church introduced me to BBDBO. Jim Hodges followed me into the rest-room and just as I was about to go into a stall to “do it” he stopped me and told me about this great new ministry for people like us.

I was embarrassed but intrigued. “People like us?” I asked him. That is when he told me that he too was addicted to masturbation and shared his testimony with me right there in that bathroom stall.

He invited me to a meeting that evening in the fellowship hall. I was surprised to see how many men that I worked with, played golf with, and worshiped with were addicted to masturbating.

I broke down that night and confessed my desire to change. I knew that God was telling me to take matters into my own hands and my penis out of them.

After a few sessions with Pastor Grover I was saved by the grace of God. With a scripture based therapy and group sessions I haven’t masturbated since.

Now, the only thing I fondle in the heat of the moment is a KJV 1611 bible“

June Gordon #fundie baptistsforbrown2008.wordpress.com

[In her MySpace page June points out that she can close the bar on Saturday and still be on time for service on Sunday morning}

I’m serious!!!! If that Muslamic coon wins it will be cause folks like us just sat round not helping McCaine win!!!!! You all — this election is gettin pretty durn scary!!!! :( You all need to get off you fat asses and DO SOMETHING. Get on the dang phone and dial up random number and tell folks HORRIBLE things bout Barrack HUISSEIN Obama and his uppity wife! I done matter what you say — just get the message cross that this dude is WRONG for AMERICA!!!!

HisWisdomReigns Says #fundie baptistsforbrown2008.wordpress.com

[You just don’t get it. I am a christian mother of a gay son and you just don’t get it. Your hate does so much damage—.. I can feel Jesus weeping over the damage you do.]


My condolences on your son’s “condition.” Yes, Jesus does weep over the hate we good Christians have to endure on this site and in this society. Join us and make this world just a little bit better.

June Gordon #racist baptistsforbrown2008.wordpress.com

When that commie Martin Luther the King say, “I want a color blinded society!!!” I done think he meant that his people whould get to the point when they chould not tell weather the light was red or green!!!!

You all I am so worry. I can not tell you all the number of time I have almost step on the gas in my Vega and run over a HUGE shiftless Negro that was crossing the street like a glasher when the light clear as day say “DON’T WALK YOU STUPID NIGGER!”

What is up with these enormous, lazy folks?? It like they think the “Walk” light is only for white folk.

They shuffle and slide cross the street and DARE you to hit them.

I pray to the Lord Jesus for the patience NOT TO. I’ve come close over 90 time this year.

You all join me in praying that every lazy nigalicious ho make it cross the street without being more than just nudged out of the dang way by a car.

They try my patience but I am a CHRISTIAN to I really done want to kill any of them. Honest.

Tiffany Wellsley #fundie baptistsforbrown2008.wordpress.com

Corrupt (that goes without saying),

I don’t recall any flying pigs in the Bible. In fact, I’m fairly certain pigs didn’t fly back then. After all, when Jesus removed the demons from the sick and cast them into swine, the pigs jumped off a cliff and drowned in the water below. Surely, the demons would have made them fly if they had that capability. If anyone knows of verses in which pigs flew, please identify them.

Now, horses did fly in Biblical times. (And, at least one donkey talked.) But the fact that these acts occurred then doesn’t mean they occur now. People lived to be hundreds of years old back then, but no one today even makes it to 150.

Blue Ollie is right; the earth has been here about 6,000 years. Your carbon dating is about as reliable as those silly computer climate models that suggest the planet is getting hotter.


Lynelle - USE Ministry Leader http #fundie baptistsforbrown2008.wordpress.com

I read in Woman’s Day magazine a while back that 95% of the Europeans, Latinos and Mexicans didn’t have their babies boys cut when they were little. It is a known fact that uncircumcised males abuse themselves a lot more than the normal ones. No wonder those Mexicans are so poor, they spend all their money on detergent. God said he wanted his male children cut and that’s just the way it should be. We had our boys clipped extra close when the doctor said the more skin we had cut off the less sensitivity they’d have down there. It was the Christian thing to do.

God Bless!


moderator #fundie baptistsforbrown2008.wordpress.com

[Article 18.

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19.

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.]

mod note: None of that drivel is in the Bible

Brother Thomas #fundie baptistsforbrown2008.wordpress.com

Dearest BrotherInChrist,

Thank thank you for your insights, Socialism is more than a disease in Britain & its former colonies. Indeed, our Spiritual Leader has decerned from God Himself that Socialism is a curse from God Almighty as a righteous judgement for our turning away from His Word!!! Its all down to You godly Americans Now! If you fall the world is, to use an Americanism, screwed!