
PSK6565 #fundie community.beliefnet.com

Man has broken God's commands and has fallen into a sinful state. He is deserving of death already so God can punish them through death any time he pleases.

If you are going to claim the God is immoral for "murdering" you do not accept that they bible teaches that man is deserving of death b/c if you have accepted that this is the case you will realize God is absolutely justified in killing everyone.

Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

God is just in killing whom Hi desires b/c His own if His law is broken then the punishment is death. For you to call God evil for punishing man for breaking His law is you calling into question whether His law is just.

Moses26 #fundie community.beliefnet.com

if people thinks its alright to practice or do others religions ? why are when in war with bin laden and afaganstan, iraq?
they believe in killing people that their religion AND PRACTICE? they serve the devil.
only the apostles -doctrine is christian. any one that is not called ,chosen fathful to end to be saved. follows the devil .

dmpitsch@hotmail.com #fundie community.beliefnet.com

[I kid you not, that is this person's actual username]

Ah, there is REteach spouting the usual pro-homosexual activist agenda. Doesn't Proposition 8 send a message to you activists? Marriage had ALWAYS been defined as the union of one man and one woman for procreation and the raising of children. Activist courts tried to change that definition. Isn't that a legislative responsibility? How can secularism override basic physiological facts? This is a victory for not religion, but nature.

ex_catholicman #fundie community.beliefnet.com

Reply to Chockmah, #188

RE: I don't condemn anyone to hell

I sincerely want people of other religions to go to Hell. Why? Because I hate their guts? No. Because their going to Hell will validate my own religion. If Hell right this moment isn't populated with the likes of Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, and Roman Catholics; then I am in very big trouble I kid you not. So it's essential they go there; Yes: I desperately want them there.

Rgurley4 #fundie community.beliefnet.com

JESUS did not marry. Jesus did not fornicate. Jesus did not sin. Mary M was not one of the chosen 12 apostles. Jesus the God - Man was the New Adam with no need of an Eve. GOD IS A GUY!

If I am wrong, then all Christ followers are dead in their sins.

SeraphimR #racist community.beliefnet.com

Whose ass should we kick because parts of London are "no-go" zones which are controlled by Muslim gangs and local imams?

Whose ass should we kick because Muslim mosques preach hatred against the kaffir?

I think we should kick the asses of all those who espouse multiculturalism. It is a failure as David Cameron noted years ago.

I don't even know what the ideals of multiculturalism are suppsed to be.

How many victims are you willing to tolerate before you decide the costs of ulticulturalism are just not worth trying to realize the ideals?