
Icaros #conspiracy #wingnut coronacircus.com

More than a provocation, the coronacircus is an initiation ritual. A crowning ceremony; a rite of passage. The initiate, humanity, is being introduced into a new age; such rites always involve isolation (we got lockdowns), humiliation (we got masks), and evolution (we will get a manufactured awakening: stay tuned).

The silver lining is a set of barbaric, medieval eschatological superstitions. The central planners have been working to bring about “the end of this age”, to “fulfill prophecy”. In order to see it, one needs to be familiar with the rituals, words, numbers and symbols they prefer; and even if one does, it is impossible to completely reverse engineer their superstitions; it is also useless to try; it’s enough to be aware of the phenomenon, and to look at it from a healthy distance.
Do you see the silver lining? New world order, new age, great awakening, great reset, global warming, age of Aquarius, aeon of Horus, rapture, Moschiach, Mahdi, Maitreya, aliens, fourth turning. The story is always the same:

A big crisis is coming
The crisis will be followed/accompanied by tyranny
There will be an awakening and we will be saved

It’s also because we understand this script that we’re able to predict what’s coming next:

Calling the coronacircus a fiasco will be mainstream
The incompetence of government/experts will be obvious to all
Civil unrest, economic calamity and famines are coming
War may be coming, involving China, Russia, and Islam
Politicians will be thrown to the wolves; guillotines on the agenda
There will be a (false) awakening and humanity will rejoice

To be sure, these events will be fully scripted. The goal is to fulfill an old, obscurantist promise. It’s also because we understand this script that we know it will ultimately and undoubtedly fail.