Grace #fundie
To me God exists, so doesn't that mean he does? I don't know much about evolution, but isn't the whole idea so that we can make our own rules and deside what is 'right' and 'wrong' for our own selfs?
To me God exists, so doesn't that mean he does? I don't know much about evolution, but isn't the whole idea so that we can make our own rules and deside what is 'right' and 'wrong' for our own selfs?
Um.. okay, yea, the age thing is a big thing, because the earth is not that old and scientist's can proove it. Um as for you being an atheist, you could have never been a Christian in the first place.. it just doesn't work that way like other religions.. you were just interested in it, or thought you were a Christian.. No offense..
Are you a Christian? Because your statement about 65 million years ago, kind made me ask..
I believe Dinosaurs existed as an amalgamation of Satan. I dont believe Satan creates anything, but that dinosaurs were mutations of creatures God made. We see this kind of 'limited' evolution even today... I think God permitted dinosaurs to be wiped out after the flood because of what they had become. We have fossils, and you can't argue with that.
Wait, Doc, now you believe in evolution?? Anyway, I don't know if dinasors did/still do exsiste...there are some verses in the Bible that mention dragons that people say might be dinasors, but I really don't know...and some people say thta they are still around, but I guess I'm one of those people who have to see things like that... and dude, I don't think ['that dinosaurs were mutations of creatures God made'] because that would be like evolution...
[Replying to (paraphrased) 'if dinos never existed, where did the fossil bones come from?']well, some come from pigs, monkeys, and other animals like whales, and some they don't even know...they just peice it together...'great art work, where's the evidence'?
Evolution can't be denied, we can see it happening around us today. What we don't see happening is evolution on a scale that would in any way account for the existence of the universe.
[Replying to 'there is no evidence of a global flood']...B.S... How do you account for fossils of sea shells being found on MOUNTIANS?? Do they CLIMB or something? Hey, isn't the math easy? '0 +300 billion years = a rock'
What about pirhanas? I dont think they were created with teeth like that just to tear into seaweed. Same goes for many creatures. I think Satan can mess with animals like he does with people who are demon-possessed. He makes them tear their clothes and foam at the mouth and drives them literally insane. I dunno how, but I think he did something with the genes of dinosaurs...
Nessy? I think there are still dinosaurs around. You hear stories about large creatures in jungles and stuff, and some-odd years ago some fishermen caught a dead sea dinosaur of some type (or was that proven a fake?) [<a href="">Yes, it has</a>]. It's quite possible they are still around, since Noah probably took some onto the ark with him.
... I don't really know...I don't believe in dinasors, but some people have shown me verses in the Bible about them ::shrug::
Fact: Reptiles never stop growing! Fact:before the flood Peaple lived to be over 900(so how big do you soppose Reptiles would get?)