[Replying to 'there is no evidence of a global flood']...B.S... How do you account for fossils of sea shells being found on MOUNTIANS?? Do they CLIMB or something? Hey, isn't the math easy? '0 +300 billion years = a rock'
Mount Everest is a relatively young mountain, geologically, despite it being the highest point on the planet.
And it's still growing in size.
So much for Creationism then, if your so-called 'God' had brought everything into being, as is. Fixed.
"B.S... How do you account for fossils of sea shells being found on MOUNTIANS?? Do they CLIMB or something? Hey, isn't the math easy? '0 +300 billion years = a rock'"
PROTIP: ^'Grace', the genius alternate personality of Cynthia Rand-Laviger, in the manga/anime series "Hanaukyo Maids/La Verite".
I know that for a flat-world thinker, and without any basic knowledge in tectonics, it can be quite confusing, but yep, basically, mountains do climb themselves.
obviously the clams on mount everest made a massive effort to climb from the seas , perhaps staying just near the surface of the flood waters. When they reached the mountaintops they had nowhere to go and drowned. This is my clam on everest hypothesis.
Or you might think that a clam bed got uplifted by geological processes and wound up at the top of a mountain.
I like to think the valient clams struggling to climb ahead of the disaster. Hey hollywood, can I have a movie out of this ?
Water doesn't climb either. Where did the flood waters go?
Sea shells don't climb, but mountains do. And sea levels go back and forth with global temperature.
It's not just plate tectonics that this idiot doesn't understand, she cannot grasp the fact that the earth is billions and not just a few thousand years old. More than enough time for mountains to come and go, more than enough time for what used to be the bottom of the sea to now be reaching above the clouds.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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