1). "What about pirhanas? I dont think they were created with teeth like that just to tear into seaweed"
You are correct Sir, they weren't 'created' at all.
2). "Same goes for many creatures"
Same goes for all creatures.
3). "I think Satan can mess with animals like he does with people who are demon-possessed"
You think? Are you sure? Why do you think this? Do you have any evidence for the existence of the Satan and Demons? This is just superstitious, ridiculous, unsupported nonsense.
4). "He makes them tear their clothes and foam at the mouth and drives them literally insane"
What a fantastic imagination you have. Do you not think there might be something wrong with you; for stating something, in public, as fact; without ever seeing it in person or having it substanciated by anyone else?
5). "I dunno how, but I think he did something with the genes of dinosaurs..."
Bloody marvellous. Genes, Dinosaurs, your saving grace here Doc is that you're well ahead of your fellow fundies in terms of religious thinking. Maybe, God did do something with the genes of Dinosaurs, over millions of years mind you and those who weren't wiped out my the asteroid changing slowly into modern day fish, birds and reptiles. Maybe.