
watchman_2 #fundie factnet.org

Fact No. 1 - God's existence can be proven. Life exists; therefore, God exists.

There are only two possibilities for life, evolution or God. Evolution, having been proven false, leaves the only other possibility for life -- God.

Fact No. 2 - Evolutionism is every bit a religion as any other religion. In fact, you were participating in the debate as evolutionism was proven to be a cult.

Fact No. 3 - Evolutionism is not based upon science. The theory takes underlying scientific discoveries and combines poor exegesis to postulate that all life originated from bacterium, which, itself, originated from a bolt of lightning into the primordial soup of chemicals. Yet, there is no observeable evidence to support such postulation nor can scientists duplicate the process in any means.

Fact No. 4 - Science has proven evolution false. The process of genus/species change has been labeled 'natural selection'. It has been proven that extinction would be impossible if 'natural selection' were true since all precursor species, including the bacterium, would also have to be extinct as well.

Fact No. 5 - Evolutionism is driven by the socialist left. Scientists know that evolution is an unproven theory. Yet, evolutionists refuse to acknowledge that it would be proper to teach the theory of evolution along side creation in public schools. Such a position is not scientific, but is driven by the leftists' hatred of Christianity and the religious right.

johncody #fundie factnet.org

I have never seen anything evolve, have you?

The Sea Shell I find up in the mountains is hundreds of millions of years old,,, ,, , looks just like the one you find on the beach today?

I guess it just plum forgot to evolve (lol)

For evolution to be true,
it would still be going-on today in an on-going process,, , meaning, we would still have things crawling out of the ocean in all different stages of evolution. But we dont do we.

Species do not change they never have and there is not one shred of evedence that they do, NOT one.

It is called Stasis, meaning, things simply do not change.

mksugumaran #fundie factnet.org

I will explain how a man lived 150 years or more in pre-historic days of Oldteatament. One day is counted as time taken by earth for one revolution. If a man can live 100 years the life span of a man is "100 yrs X 365 dys X 24 hrs". Recently some two years ago do you remember "1 second" was adjusted in Newyear day. That is due to slowness of earth revolution. These type of adjutsments are made scientifically now. You assume that the eath was revolving faster than now in pre-historic time such that the time taken for one revolution of earth is "12 hrs only". So the total time span of man of 100 years now is equal to 200 years then, that is "200 yrs X 365 dats X 12 hrs. That is how a man in old testament days lived more than 100 years and it is going on coming down. It is due to increase in mass and size of the earth going on increasing. There is history of some small planets have fallen on this earth and created earth quakes and Floods. Do you knoe fire of Siberia for more than 100 years due to fall of a celestial body. So the size of earth in increased and the rotation speed is reduced. That is why men's life span reduced to 100 years and less. It was more in olden days due to more speed in rotation of earth.

karpus #fundie factnet.org

Where are all those half apes like neanderthales or whatever. You never see one alive. There are about 7 billion humans on earth and nowhere a living neanderthal or austalopithicus to be found. All exterminated by man they say.
Very convenient ofcourse.

Christain on a Mission #fundie factnet.org

I would definately love to go to this college I believe that this college is the type of college that everyone should want to go to. Ilove the fact that they believe in no hand holding and that girls shouldn't have to dress in a manner that shames them. The King James bible is the best bible to read from and only people who want to live for themselves and not for God would disagree with that. A true christian on a mission for God would not mind going to this college or church and living right and as close to the King James Bible as possible. The Bible was written as a road map for actual christians so people who want to do what they want to do and not do what God would like them to do would not understand the King James Bible, and it is not because of the way it is written it is because many people are too busy living a life of sin and are too busy to pick up the Bible and ask God to open their minds and hearts to the gospel of God so that they may understand what the Bible is saying.

churchworker #fundie #senpai_noticed_us factnet.org

Is Christianity a cult like fstdt, randi.org, iidb.org and factnet.org? Is Christianity a cult at all or is proven? (as in the 4 Step Perfect Proof for God of the Bible). How can it be a cult if it is proven? I don't see how this is possible, since God created us and God is uncreated as proven.

I am banned at randi.org and iidb.org, but not factnet.org (not today anyway), and not fstdt (not yet anyhow). The reason they ban me is because they can't find anything wrong with the Proof for God and the love of the Lord in my life. Their owners and admins are jealous that I have what they will never have. They are jealous my Father in heaven has made my brothers and sisters in Christ the leading conscience on the planet.

arron #fundie factnet.org

ive never read the athesist bible. i know they do not believe in GOD (or say they dont) i feel however that they really do believe and know there is A GOD. else why are they fighting against HIM so much, if HE is not real then they are only shadow boxing so to speak.

rachellengland #fundie factnet.org

slavery in the Bible was not what is considered slavery in these modern times. It wasn't and issue of race but more of a social status-more likely if you worked for another person rather than owning your own business you were a slave

inkorrekt #fundie factnet.org

Yes, Chemical laws do not allow evolution of chemicals. Evolution is not supported by chemical laws. Chemical laws were established long before Darwin proposed his theory of Evolution. Yes, chemical composition of the reproductive mechanisms are very well known. The fact is these chemical are not synthesized by nature. Even if we know all the information, nature does not self synthesize chemicals.

leftin1991 #fundie factnet.org

WHY DID THE ROMAN CATHOLIC "CHURCH" IN THE FALL OF 1996 OFFICIALLY ENDORSE EVOLUTION? That question can be answered by the day she observes. Does she observe the seventh-day Sabbath, which is the memorial of creation? Of course not. At the council of Laodicea in the mid-360s she actually outlawed obedience to the Fourth Commandment, and executed Sabbatarians during the Dark Ages! She declares her authority apart from Scripture to switch the day of rest and worship, to the first day of the week. That is just like human nature because God said to work six days and then rest; man wants to take his rest day first and THEN work!

ihavesinned #fundie factnet.org

[to a poster who sees no harm in doing yoga]

You are dead wrong, and most likely full of demons by now. You should stop yoga immediately and order the "sweating to the REAL oldies" tapes. This is a series of aerobic workout tapes set to the chants of Gregorian Monks. Garaunteed not to lead you into the demonic world of things like yoga or that workout dude with the pony tail, he's clearly full of demons too.

pro610 #fundie factnet.org

Yoga is to help one neutralize their karma and find a way off the cycle of rebirth (reincarnation). How can this spiritual exercise by sanitized for Christian use. And for what reason would it be used? To relax! The Bible teaches God will “keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” (Isa. 26:3). One cannot make an excuse that they want to us it to experience peace and or the divine.

The poses that they so diligently practice in their stretching are named after Hindu Gods, and what one is actually doing, is calling on them. In that worshipful pose, they are bowing and for all intents and purposes worshipping that God. Our God says “You shall have no other Gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.

Erich #fundie factnet.org

The writers of Star Wars are "New Age" people.

See my 6th point at least. They are against the President of the U.S.

In the most recent episode of Star Wars the Jedi would like to:

1. Destroy the Republic. This Republic is like the Republic of the United States of America. To the writers of Star Wars our Republic is corrupt.

1. Destroy the Emperor, who is representative to the writers as President Bush.

2. To the writers of Star Wars, the Emperor, like President Bush, wants to keep the "evil war" going. Forget the killings in the Sadaam regime, the persecution of Taliban, or the horrible beheadings by these Muslim Radical Fundamentalists! Stop the war.

3. They would like to destroy the Senate, which is now under the power of the Emperor. Just like the Senate of the U.S. is controled by the Republicans, forget the fact that the 55 Republicans were elected by the vote of the people of the U.S.! To the writers the Senate is the evil Republicans.

4. Master Wadu [sic], (or whatever the guy's name is), wants to kill the emperor rather then allow the courts to decide his fate. The Democrats won't even allow the Senate to vote on Court Nominations. The writers think the Liberal Supreme Court is a bunch of Conservatives...that really is wild, what a bunch of nuts!

5. The telling point is when Obi Won Kenobi lands on the lava planet to kill Anakyn Skywalker, who has become Darth Vader b-4 the mask. Anakyn says, "If you are not for me you are my enemy." This is close to a quote by the President, worse it is close to a quote by the Lord Jesus Christ! Obi Won Kenobi says, "Only the Sith, (the lords of the Dark side), believe in absolutes."

This typifies the ideas of New Age and our present "relative" viewpoint that nothing is wrong nothing is right. There are truths to a person who believes in this world viewpoint! Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man comes unto the Father but by Me." John 14:6. The Bible is the Inerrant Word of God, Infallible, and Inspired. There are truths! There is the right way and there is the wrong way! There are absolute values!

Also, just remember, there is only one Liberal section of a party that like to kill their "younglings" and that is the Liberal Democrats! You just knew I would get to that abortion issue didn't you?

jeff_p #fundie factnet.org

I was envolved in Chi-Kung for years prior to becoming a Christian.
I saw some pretty mindblowing feats of matrix-like supernatural strength and motion in teachers that were very skilled (effortlessly moving cars, throwing people across the room with soft hits, etc.) that were definitely relying on a source outside of their own physical being.

I wouldn't say martial arts is a 'cult' . Though it forms more of a New Age Eastern meditational spirituality in some.
With all the talk of absorbing and harnessing chi, or 'energy', at some point it clicks in a Christian that you're allowing your soul to be open and have entrypoints to some dark spirits.

Prior to being delivered from a spirit of witchcraft I let in through my meditation, I could 'harness power' to effortlessly stay awake for days on end that came in handy when I needed to be productive.

Though I don't think we can completely destroy the benefits of martial arts. You can be envolved in the martial arts as long as you steer clear of the pagan Eastern religion practices.