
John Birch Society #fundie jbs.org


Claim: The Order of the Illuminati, created by an obscure ex-professor named Adam Weishaupt on May 1, 1776, was the ancestor of the Communist movement and the model for modern subversive conspiratorial movements.

Status: Documentable

Although relatively little is known about him by way of biographical detail, the life of Adam Weishaupt was immensely consequential. A Jesuit-trained ex-professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt, Weishaupt fell away from the Catholic Church and became a determined enemy of the Christian worldview and the social order built upon it.

Determined to destroy Christian society and rebuild a new humanist order, Weishaupt organized the Order of the Illuminati in Bavaria on May 1, 1776. That date, celebrated by occultists as Beltane, became a universal holiday for Communists and other revolutionaries who trace their heritage to the conspiratorial group founded by Weishaupt.

Behind a carefully wrought facade of humanitarian activism, the Illuminati was organized as a strict hierarchy, with details of the organization's true nature incrementally revealed as the inductee advanced in rank. New initiates were called novices or “minervals”; at that level they were led to believe they had enlisted in a benevolent effort to promote harmony by making mankind into a single family. As he advanced to the rank if Illuminatus Minor, the adept was taught that the only impediment to universal peace and brotherhood was the stubborn bigotry of existing religious and political institutions, which would have to be destroyed – or at least brought under the influence of the Order -- in the name of the greater good.

John Birch Society #conspiracy #wingnut jbs.org

America is based on the philosophy that our rights come from God and that governments are instituted to secure these rights. However, the globalists’ trade agenda to establish a UN world government by means of a series of multilateral and bilateral trade agreements is a direct threat to the security of our rights.

The deceptive, the transformation of 28 formerly independent European nations into a repressive European Union supranational government reveals how globalist schemers plan to merge the United States, Mexico, and Canada into a North American Union on the way to a UN world government.

Although the globalist schemers have been trying to establish a North American Union through the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), their progress has been stymied, largely due to the grassroots resistance of The John Birch Society and our allies.

The newly negotiated NAFTA, known as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), appears to further this NAU effort. USMCA has many provisions for “promoting further economic integration.” As we have learned from the example of the EU, economic integration leads to political integration.

In order to prevent the globalist schemers from erecting a North American Union on the foundation provided by the USMCA, we must convince Congress to vote against the USMCA.

The globalists in the office of the United States Trade Representative are working on many more trade agreements. While President Trump is indeed getting better deals that result in more American-made products, jobs, and a better economy, globalists in his administration are using each of these deals to further entangle the United States deeper into regional integrations. As the EU members have experienced, this will lead to a large loss in American sovereignty, including even our Constitution in the long run.

When President Trump was first elected, he sent shock waves through the globalist community that Americanism, not globalism, is our credo. Yet, those in the Deep State continue to do whatever they can to block “America First”.